58. Wasted

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The sun had already left the sky, yet the streets were still full of people. Without the scorching sun, the summer night temperature was perfect for people to go out. Kamiko gazed out the window of the Ground Hero Agency, watching young couples hand in hand, walking by. When is Katsuki coming back? She thought.

It's not the first time he had to come back late due to mission, but she felt bad for Clearvo and Inazumari who had to stay and wait with her. Also, she was dying to tell him what Miyano told her today.

Finally, she recognized the three silhouettes walking towards their building. It was dark out, but the shape of those shoulder gauntlets on Kirishima made it obvious that it was him. She pushed the door open and dashed out towards them. "Katsuki!" Bakugou stopped when he heard his name. He stretched his arms out instinctively as Kamiko jumped at him.

"Oof!" Bakugou took a few steps back. "What the fuck Shithead?!"

Kaminari and Kirishima exchanged glances, then smirked at each other. "We're gonna go on and head inside. You guys take your time!" Kaminari said, pointing to the door with his thumb.

"Wait! Wait!" Kamiko held a hand out towards them. "You all haven't eaten yet right?"

The men exchanged gazes in confusion, then turned to Kamiko. "No, why?" 

Kamiko let go of Bakugou, and clapped her hands together. She grinned cheekily at them, lifting her chin slightly. "Let's eat out today! My treat!"

Kaminari let out a loud cheer, pumping his fist in the air. It's been forever since they went out as a group. Especially after a tiring mission today, he just wanted to go out and celebrate. Bakugou, however, furrowed his brows. "What's going on?" he asked Kamiko.

Kamiko's eyes sparkled with pure elation. "My manga is getting an anime adaptation!"

Bakugou's eyes widened, but his brain still needed a few seconds to fully process her words. "What?"

"Wait, seriously?! That's awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed. "Congrats Iki!"

Kaminari thought for a second, remembering what Kamiko's manga was about. Suddenly a chill ran down his spine, causing him to shudder. "C-Congrats Iki..."

Kamiko grinned, thanking the two. She then looked up at Bakugou, as if asking for him to praise her. Bakugou knew just how hard she worked to get to here. Over the past few months, he also learned a lot about what it takes to be a manga artist, and just how difficult it is to get an anime adaptation. Your manga needs to have a certain amount of fanbase, and the animation companies have to see a great amount of potential in the story in order to invest in it. Getting an anime adaptation is a form of acknowledgement to the manga. 

"That's amazing Kamiko." He smiled at her, eyes filled with pride and joy. Kamiko laughed as she wrapped her arms around him, jumping up and down like a grade schooler. 

"If we're gonna celebrate let's call Shinsou!" Kirishima suggested.

"Yeah! Let's get wasted!" Kamiko cheered. 

And wasted she got. 

At dinner, Kaminari joined in on the hype with Kamiko, and the two of them kept drinking. Shinsou did join in a little later, but by the time he got there, Kamiko was already drunk. The silver haired artist kept telling everyone that this meal was her treat, and she barked at anyone who dares to pay for their own meal. 

Bakugou knew letting her get that drunk wasn't a good idea, but seeing how happy he was, he didn't have the heart to stop her. Kamiko kept pouring drinks for everyone, but Kaminari was the only one who drank as much as her. Kirishima did get quite drunk in the beginning, but by the end of the meal, he was sober enough to get home on his own. Kamiko and Kaminari were completely out cold. 

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