seventy ~ let's give it a shot

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This is a pretty long one strap in guys. 

"Lindsey is so hot, dude," Jamie drawled sleepily, throwing another potato chip into his mouth.

"You're just horny cause it's three in the fucking morning," Frank responded and chomped down on a carrot heaping with hummus.

"No, she's genuinely—"

"I bet you won't think she's hot when you're sober. Dog, you ate three brownies and we smoked when we got here."

"Well, you ate a couple and you smoked too, man. I think that means you're too stoned to be attracted to the hottest woman we've ever seen."

"Hey man, me not liking her makes one less person to compete with. You already have all the queer girls and skater boys to take on before you can make her like you."

"I think you're just gay," Jamie said through a yawn he muffled in his sweater.

"Good one," Frank chuckled. "I just like men better because I've never been able to relate to women. Doesn't mean I don't like myself a good pair of tits just like the next guy."

"Lindsey doesn't have big tits but she's still hot. I think you're gay because I've seen the way you look at that Gerard dude. He's gay. Did you know?"

"No he's not, he doesn't act gay at all," Frank rolled his eyes and took a bite out of a new carrot stick. He dipped the chewed end into the hummus again and plopped it in his mouth. "He's not a faggot like the actual gay dudes that go to our school."

"Just b'cause he skates and listens to punk rock doesn't mean he's not gay, man. I know all the queer drama cause I ain't cis, trust me," Jamie grinned through red, half-closed eyes. Then he frowned, "hey no fuckin' double-dipping."

"I'm the only one eating the hummus anyways," Frank mumbled but ate his carrot stick whole this time. "Are you serious, though? Gerard's gay?"

"Yeah, dude. He played a venue last month that had a gay pride flag on the wall and he and Lindsey and the other two band members took a photo in front of it."

"So? Lindsey's bi, and the other girl in the band is gay. The other dude is straight, y'know the bassist? So why can't Gerard be straight?"

Sighing, Jamie shoved three chips into his mouth at once. "The photo was captioned, 'glad we can play somewhere that supports three-fourths of our band' and a hashtag about queer rights or something."

"Jamie, then the bassist is gay."

"I walked in on the bassist and his girlfriend having sex last party you and I went to. I think it was Charlie's or maybe Doug's. D'you remember?"

"How do you know she's his girlfriend?" Frank challenged, completely ignoring Jamie's question.

"Because he posted something about their anniversary a couple days ago."

"I should start fucking checking my Instagram. Plus, he could be bi."

Jamie shrugged. "Yeah, but Gerard has dated guys before."


"Yeah," Jamie chuckled and smirked at Frank, "so when are you gonna come out?"

"I'm not gay, Jamie."

"You don't have to be gay to come out."

"Whatever," Frank brushed off after a pause. "Can you pass me another brownie? I think I'm coming down."


When Frank opened his front door, it didn't creak, so he let it close silently behind him too. He knew he was safe to drive because he and Jamie had woken up around one and hung out until four, and his head didn't even hurt. Jamie's had, but he'd also had three white claws whose cans needed hiding.

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