day 6 ~ making fun of one another

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"Hey, whore, get over here!" I heard Gee's voice from the kitchen and rolled my eyes, walking over to where my husband was sitting with his brother.

"What's the matter, Daphne Blake?" I shot back as I entered the kitchen. "Oh, hey Mikey! I didn't mean to ignore you, but I was just finishing a chapter of my book when this asshole called."

Mikey giggled and got up to give me a hug. I hugged him back gratefully, and when we parted, I looked at Gee again.

"What do you want?"

"If I'm Daphne, you're Velma, four eyes. Anyways, I wanted to know if you wanted to go out for coffee with me and Mikey."

"Oh, that'd be lovely. It sounds great to get out of the house. I bet it was Mikey's idea. I don't think you're smart enough to know what going outside even is."

He rolled his eyes. "Hey, at least I still have my beautiful porcelain skin."

"I do too, dumbarse," I chuckled, and he smirked.

"I'm prettier than you, though," he said, and I looked at Mikey, who rolled his eyes.

"I mean," I started. "I can't really argue with that."

"Hah! Pussy. Don't even know how to come back at that," he mocked me, and Mikey took out his keys.

"You guys coming?"

"That's what she said," we chimed together, and I locked the door behind us when we were all outside. "And," I continued. "I don't think you'd know how to come back at that either, babe."

I stepped into the driver's seat of my car. "Who's sitting where?"

"I'll sit in the back. It'll be fun watching you two go at it."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself. We wouldn't be going at it if my bitch hadn't called me a whore earlier."

"I'm not your--"

"You are my bitch, and you know it, Gee," I said, starting the car and heading in the direction of the nearest cafe."

He shrugged. "At least... At least... At least I don't have nasty callouses on my fingers that makes it uncomfortble to prep myself before you--"

"Oh my god, that's crossing a goddamn line!" Mikey cried out, and I cocked an eyebrow at Gerard.

"You know, he's right. I let you prep yourself anyways, darling."

Gee's cheeks went bright red, and he crossed his arms, not being able to contain his laughter. Mikey was smirking.

"Wow," he said, and then he actually laughed. "My older brother is a fucking bottom? You really are Frank's bitch, aren't you?"

"Hey! Why am I getting ganged up on?"

"Because you're a bottom. It happens, Gee. You're outnumbered."

He shrugged and laughed with me and Mikey. "Whatever. At least I don't have toxic masculinity."

Mikey raised an eyebrow, and I laughed. "Gee, your brother is a gay stereotype and he's comfortable enough in his masculinity to play it up, even though he's dating a girl, and I'm wearing black nail polish and makeup and driving a car that women usually buy, so don't talk to me about toxic masculinity."

He giggled. "That's true. You're gonna miss your turn."

"I was too busy looking at your pretty face," I said, and he smacked my arm gently.

"I'm not pretty enough for you to get into a car crash. And even if I was, you should be more responsible, Iero."

"Oh, rub in my last name all you want, but you're taking it when we're married."

"Says who?"

"Says me," Mikey chimed in. "Bottoms take names, Gee," he teased, and Gerard's face heated up again.

"Who says it can't be Iero-Way?"

"Me, bitch," I smirked, and he did too. "I actually do like the sound of that though. If we do get married, you know we'll work something out right, darling? I'm just making fun of you."

"Yeah, I know, softie," he grinned evilly, getting out of the car. Mikey followed him, and I locked it up after I got out.

"Okay, Gee, Mikes, we need to act normal for a few minutes while we order and then we can go back at it. I'm really enjoying this."

They nodded, and into society we stepped.

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