forty-five ~ mad

244 14 2

"Frank, again?" Gerard groaned as he walked into the kitchen. There was vegetarian lasagna in the oven and a mess all over the counter. 

"Gerard, I promise I'll clean up, okay?" I said meekly, looking up from my phone as he shut the front door behind him. 

"But why?"

"Why what?"

"The mess."

"Because I was craving lasagna and I know you love it too."

"Yeah, okay," he huffed, moving into our study to set his things down and then took his coat and shoes off. "But why can't you learn to clean up after yourself already! We're in our thirties, Frank."

"I know how to clean up after myself, I'm not a child, Gerard," I said, raising my eyebrows and pretending that the comment had hurt less than it did. 

"Well then, do it," he sighed. 

"I will! You see that abhorrent counter right there, babe?"

He nodded and crossed his arms. "My third eye is just as disappointed as my first two."

"Well, it will be gone after half an hour after we eat a nice dinner together that I put time and effort into."

"Fuck, Frankie, I didn't mean it like... I know you put your time and effort into it, but you just... It's just so frustrating when you don't... y'know..." he trailed off, looking at me guiltily. 

"I know I'm a messy guy, Gee," I mumbled. "Know what? Go and change and by the time you come back down, the kitchen will be clean and then we can eat together, yeah?" I said gently, stepping closer to him. 

"Frankie, it's okay, I'm just a little upset with you. It's okay this time, but just for next time, could you clean up while the food is cooking? It'd help out a lot," he sighed, his arms never coming uncrossed. 

I laid a hand gently on one of his crossed forearms and leant a little closer to him, looking down at his arms and my hand. "Yeah, of course, Gee. That's... smarter and more efficient anyways."

He didn't say anything. 

"I know you're mad at me," I started, looking up at him. "But can I kiss it better? And then I promise I'll clean up."

"Babe, I'm not mad at you--"

"You just said that--"

"I know what I said, baby," he sighed, uncrossing his arms and wrapping them around my neck instead. I let one of my hands settle at his waist and one come to cup his cheek. "I'm not actually mad at you, I'm just... work was not good and I'm taking out my frustration on you again and I'm sorry."

"It's okay, love," I smiled a little, stroking his cheek. "This is progress, see? I'm so proud of you."

He nodded, smiling. "Yeah, you're... I guess you're right."

"Mhm," I hummed. "Now can I kiss it better?"

He nodded and I gently guided his lips to mine with the hand that was still cupping his face. He smiled a little before kissing me back. Our lips moved together a little bit until I heard a loud "EW!" coming from behind Gerard. 

We broke apart to see Bandit rolling her eyes and Lily making a disgusted face, crossing her arms over her oversized Black Sabbath shirt. 

"Dad, that was gross," Lily looked at me. "Why was your hand on his face? Didn't you say that it was rude to put your hands on people's faces without asking?"

I took my hand away from Gerard's face and wrapped it around his shoulders. "I did, but this is different. When you put your hand on someone's face because you love them, it's very different from when you do it because you hate them. Besides, I'm not hitting him."

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