three ~ frankie has a blood kink

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smut, obviously
!!!!t/w for blood, use of a knife, and hinting at self harm.!!!!!
~blood kink, pain kink, bondage/bdsm~
~top-gerard, bottom-frank~ (wild)

(also don't report me for this. I have a trigger warning, and it's for people with messed up kinks like me lmao)


"Hey, Gee?"

I looked up from my drawing because of two things. One, the acoustic guitar that lay in Frank's hands wasn't in use anymore, and two, Frank had just said my name. I smiled at my husband.


Frank's cheeks went undeniably red, and he squirmed a bit as he looked down at his feet, which were crossed on the bed. He fidgeted nervously with his wedding ring as he took a deep breath.

"Um, when we... when we have sex and I bottom, you're uh, really aggressive, like especially with the hickeys. And um..."

He trailed off and I put my pencil down, setting aside my work, deeming my husband more important right now. I walked over, and he put the guitar in its case next to the sofa where he was playing.

I sat down on the opposite side of the small couch and faced him. "Would you like me to be gentler? I wouldn't mind, I just thought you liked it when I was rough with you."

I could see the redness in his cheeks extend to his ears and neck. "I... um... I love it, actually."

"But..." I said and scooted closer to him, taking his chin in my hand and tilting it up gently so that I could see his face. He took my hand away and kissed it, then held it in his, resting our tangled fingers on his knee.

"I want you to be rougher. Like to the point where I... uh... I'm sorry this is weird, and I don't know whether
you'd be uncomfortable or not, and I just feel weird about it."

"Hey, baby, it's okay, go on," I urged as gently as I could and he played with my fingers nervously. "I'll tell you if something makes me uncomfortable, m'kay?"

He nodded and gave me a half-hearted smile. "Well, I was... I was just wondering if you'd um... if you'd be interested in trying to draw blood next time? Like with your biting, or even with like... something sharp if you'd like to. Only if you want to."

I looked at his beautiful skin, marred slightly by faded scars underneath his tattoos on his arms and thighs and wondered if they had a sort of double entendre to them. We were both kinky little shits, and we knew it, but we'd never actually gone as far as actually hurting each other.

He considered my silence, and I considered whether I could ever bring myself to hurt him. Hickeys that lead to blood were fine, I supposed, but I don't know if I could ever bring myself to actually hurt him. Maybe if he begged for it. But even then it was a strong maybe.

"You think I'm a fucking weirdo, now. Great," he said, rolling his eyes at himself and pulling his hand out of mine to hid his face away, rubbing it in the process, appearing tired and frustrated.

"No, I already know that babe," I chuckled and he grinned. "I'd actually be into that in a situation where I topped," I said and gently pried his hands away from his face. "Don't hide away from me, you cheeky little bastard," I chided, and he smirked.

"You would be?"

"I don't really know how I'd feel about hurting you with, say, a knife or something, but hickeys, where I draw blood, is a definite yes. I've been kind of holding myself back from doing so, but I do find blood really attractive."

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