day 30 ~ pillow talk

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part four. you see, i'm really starting to like this little story
also this is unedited so i apologise i just really don't feel like it right now. :(

"Fuck," I stuttered as Frank ground his hips into mine again and kissed me with such a force that I'd been waiting for for months. But I didn't even get to feel his tongue against mine, for his lips trailed down to right under my chin and below my ear.

He still remembered my sensitive spot, and if he wasn't sucking and biting on it and I wasn't breathing so heavily, I would have smiled.

"You like that, baby?" he hummed into the new hickey, and I couldn't help but let out a breathy moan at the way his voice vibrated against my neck.

I nodded frantically as I tangled my hands in his hair and he giggled, letting his lips trail downward slightly, beginning another hickey on a new spot. He took his time on my neck, holding my hips down more and tighter every time they tried to buck up to meet his. Just when I thought he was just about finished with mauling my neck--he'd come all the way down to my collarbones, he leant up to whisper in my ear.

"Take your shirt off."

Well, actually, it was more of a growl, and it was aggressive, but that only turned me on more, and he knew it. I knew he knew it from the way his eyes glinted mischeviously at the way I shuddered when he said it.

I did as I was told, and soon his shirt accompanied mine on the floor. He picked me up then, and slammed me against the wall, and I let out a loud moan at this, and then another at the way he started sucking on my neck again, renewing the fresh marks he'd just made.

Then, slowly, he drew away, looking at me with the same glint in his eye.

"On your knees, slut."

I dropped to my knees eagarly--I'd been waiting to suck him off for around, I don't know... three months--and felt even more blood rushing straight to my dick. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, removing them and his boxers with one sweep. They ended up on top of our shirts.

"Fuck my mouth, please," I moaned, gripping his thighs, and he groaned, placing a hand on the wall. He threaded the fingers of his other hand through my hair and I gasped.

"If you insist," he groaned and looked at me, lust laced with love in his eyes. "Just... don't touch yourself."

I nodded as I spread my legs a little as I sat back on my knees to accommodate for his height, clasped my hands behind my back and opened my mouth, staring innocently into his eyes. At first, he closed his eyes and let his head fall back as he let out a low groan, and then he looked back down at me, pulling my face closer to his dick with the hand that was still in my hair.

"You're so fucking hot, baby," he groaned, and I smiled, closing my mouth. "Open your mouth again, lemme fuck your mouth."

I did as he said, and felt his dick entering my mouth as I kept eye contact with him.

"Fuck," he murmured as I let my tongue slip around his tip. "Should I hold back?" he asked, genuinely worried, but I shook my head frantically.

"You want me to mess up your voice?" he asked, his tone dark again, and I felt my cheeks burn up as I nodded slowly, giving him the innocent look again.

"Fucking use me, Frank," I groaned, holding my hands tightly behind my back.

He grinned. "I'll do my best."

I started sucking him off for the hell of it, just to get things started, but I stopped when I felt him grip my hair tighter and pull me back a little.

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