day 12 ~ having a lazy day

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"Fraaaaankie, wake up, your alarm's ringing!" Gerard groaned from beside me, and I sighed.

"I don't even have to go in today..." I grumbled, turning it off.

"Me neither."

"Let's go back to sleep."

"Mhm..." I nodded and drifted off again. When I awoke, I looked at my alarm clock, and seeing as it was ten thirty and the smell of waffles and coffee wafted into the bedroom from the kitchen, I stood up, getting out of bed lazily.

I trudged to the kitchen without changing out of my boxers—which is all I had been wearing—and saw Gerard's back turned to me as he busied himself with food, wearing only earbuds and boxers. He was humming to himself quietly and I walked up behind him, slipping my arms around his waist and kissing the base of his neck softly.

"Oh! Good morning, babe," he said, taking his earbuds out and letting the music play from his phone.

"Morning, love," I mumbled, kissing his neck chastely again.

He finished with the waffle iron, and turned around, draping his forearms over my shoulders.

"And sleeping beauty arises," he giggled, kissing my nose. "Don't worry, I've only been up around fifteen minutes."

My eyes widened. "And you made a breakfast fit for kings?"

"Darling, we're hardly kings. We're queens if anything."

I giggled too, pulling him in for a kiss. "Yeah, we are."

He kissed me again. "Thanks for the compliment, though it's only waffles, fruit, and coffee."

"Oh please, you're a fucking angel for making breakfast," I murmured.

"Me? And angel?" He scoffed. "I'm offended."

I laughed and he grinned at me. "You're here today right? Like you don't have to work?"

He nodded. "I'm free today. And you too?"

"Yes. Thank god. But we can have a little day to ourselves then."

He grinned. "I'd love that. Now let me make more waffles." He pulled the waffle out of the iron and set it on a plate. I shuffled to the iron.

"No, let me," I said, taking the batter from him and pouring it into the iron.

"Thanks," he said, kissing my cheek. "I'll take things out of the fridge and set the table."


"Do you wanna eat dinner and watch a movie?" I asked from the kitchen where I'd just ordered us a pizza.


We'd just been hanging around the flat all day, talking, listening to music, reading... we'd also cuddled and I had a few new hickeys, but what else would you expect me to do, not make out with my boyfriend?

When the pizza arrived, I took the box as well as two plates and water to where Gerard was picking out a movie on Netflix.

"That's smells so good," he said monotonously without looking at me, flipping through movies.

"What're we gonna watch?"

He looked up. "I have no fucking clue," he laughed. "What do you wanna watch?"

"Uhh... anything, I don't care."

"Okay so we're definitely watching a shitty anime."

"Okay, fuck that, I do care."

He giggled. "Works like a charm. Here, I'll go through some, and you say yes or no."

I sat down next to him, pulling him to my side. He snuggled into my shoulder and I kissed his forehead.

"The Exorcist?" He asked.

"Not scary."

"The Nun?"

"Not scary."


"Not scary."

"You're a bitch."

"You can't talk. You were scared by It."

He giggled. "Okay how about The Babadook?"

"Oh wait yes! Bob told me it scared him."

"Wait a movie scared Bob?"

I laughed too. "I guess so. Wanna watch it?"



"Hold-up, that scared Bob?" Gerard giggled as the credits rolled and I snuggled farther into him, my face paling.

"Y-Yeah... I guess so." I hugged him closer to me and he giggled.

"Wait, Frankie, did that scare you?"

"I—no!" I said defensively. "It's just creepy."

"Oh my god," he looked down at me, shocked. "We finally found a movie that scared you?!"

I shrugged. "It's because it messes with your head, man."

"And it didn't scare me!" He grinned and I hid my face in his chest. "Oh you're gonna be a cuddle bug tonight aren't you, little Frankie."

"I'm not little," I mumbled into his chest and felt his giggle reverberate inside his chest.

"You're five foot six, baby. You're tiny."

"Heeeey," I whined, and he pulled me into his lap, stroking my hair. "That feels really nice, Gee."

He hummed and I curled up in his lap, looking up sharply when I heard the AC click on, or when the ice machine in the fridge whirred. And Gerard would laugh lightly and kiss my forehead every time.

"Let's go to bed, Frankie," he murmured and I shook my head.

"I don't wanna move."

"C'mon, I'll carry you," he offered, and I nodded, letting him pick me up bridal style and walk down the dark hallway, throwing me into the bed, and tossing my pyjamas at me. He got changed standing up while I did so in bed, throwing my clothes over my side of the bed. I hugged my knees to my chest, staring st the ceiling, half expecting the tall skinny man to come jumping down at me and strangle me right there.

But the only man that joined me in the bed was Gee, and he pulled me to his chest, stroking my hair and holding my hand. I heard something at the window, but it just turned out to be one of many drops of rain that started to pour at that moment.

"Hey, baby, calm down," he cooed and I nodded, basking in the security that his arms provided while they were wrapped around me. "It's just rain, sweetheart," he whispered, and I nodded.

"I'm sorry I'm being such a wimp," I muttered darkly.

"It's cute. We should watch more horror movies that scare you. I like it when you're cuddly."

"I'll cuddle with you more, we don't have to watch horror movies," I said, smiling up at him.

He kissed me softly, and I melted at the feeling of his lips on mine and his hand holding my jaw and stroking my cheek. I couldn't really feel too afraid with him there to protect me, couldn't feel too afraid with him there when he was kissing me so chastely and so gently. When we pulled away his eyes sparkled.

"I'm tired," I whispered, and he nodded.

"Me too. Let's lie down and I can hold you while we sleep."

"Jesus christ, I love you," I mumbled. "Thank you."

"Of course, baby. I love you too. Now sleep."

I smiled at this, and he pulled me into his chest, his arms warm, comforting, protective.

"We should spend more days like this," I said with a yawn, and he nodded, yawning too.

"I'd love to."

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