day 14 ~ geeking out over something

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I mean it's a smut.

"Babe, I'm not saying DC is bad, I'm just saying Marvel is better," I insisted, smiling at my boyfriend viciously. "DC rocks. I fucking love Batman, and the Joker is sick, but I'm sorry if Deadpool makes me laugh harder than someone literally named the Joker."

"One of the Joker's greatest insecurities is not being funny because he failed as a comedian." Gerard rolled his eyes and grinned viciously back. "But at least DC's artwork is better. And plus, their ideas are more imaginative, more creative. I mean look at Doom Patrol. Those characters are so unique and are put in some scenarios where they need to use brainpower as well as their abilities to get out of situations."

"Yeah, yeah, sure but at least Marvel movies don't suck ass half the time. Every single movie is a hit. Bet DC can't say that, can they?"

"No, DC movies aren't always the best, but when they are they make it big," he said, leaning closer to me to accentuate his point. "I mean, look at how far Suicide Squad went! That movie was so popular! And it stayed popular for a long time. I saw kids dressing up as Harley Quinn two Halloween's after it was released."

I leant in closer too, the excitement of playful arguing getting the better of me. "Yeah? Well, at least all my characters aren't traumatised rich white men and over-sexualised women. Marvel women keep their tits to themselves and they have dignity and they're still strong and beautiful."

Gerard raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, Marvel over-sexualised women more than DC."

"Okay, so I've been reading more DC than Marvel, but that's just because—"

"Because it's better."


"Yes," he said, and I felt his hand slip around my waist and pull me into his lap. My breath hitched, and he pulled my lips against his. "You know I'm right," he hummed. I melted against his touch and he flipped us over so I was below him on the sofa. He took my wrists in his hands and pinned them beside my head.

I smirked. "You're not gonna seduce me into saying anything."

"I don't need to."


"No. Because I know you will."

"And why's that?" I quirked an eyebrow and bit my lip.

He didn't answer. He just kissed me, gripping my wrists harder and biting my lip, then my neck, leaving marks in plain sight. I bit back my moans as I felt his tongue sliding back up my neck slowly.

"You're—" I started, but was rudely interrupted by another kiss.

Gerard bit my lip harder this time, and I finally moaned breathily. Of course, Gerard took this as an invitation to stick his tongue in my mouth which only made me moan louder.

"Say it," he whispered and I shook my head.


His eyes glinted with mischief. "Okay."

But I knew it wasn't over, because he was taking off my shirt and then pinning my hands back to the sofa again, letting his kisses trail down my chest, his tongue playing with one of my nipples for a bit. I couldn't hold back when he did this, my moans and whimpers taking the place of our disagreement.

Then his kisses and hickeys trailed lower. And lower until I could feel myself getting hard because of his tongue on my v-line.

"Say it, and I'll suck your dick."

I moaned again at his large hazel eyes staring up at me from my crotch, but I shook my head all the same. "Marvel's better."

He unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off of me. I helped him slide my boxers down too, confused when he took them all the way off and threw them to the floor.

"Gee what're you—oh!"

He gripped my thighs and pulled them into his shoulders, and I felt his hands on my arse, spreading me apart further. Then I felt it. His glorious tongue, slowly, torturously sliding itself around my hole. I let out a loud moan when he poked it inside, slowly exploring the deepest his tongue could go. I gripped his hair as I felt heat pooling in my stomach.

He removed his mouth, and even though the heat pooling in my stomach was gone, my boner was still there. And then he took it in his mouth.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I bucked my hips into his mouth and felt myself hit the back of his throat. He gagged for a moment but didn't remove his mouth, in fact he just kept up what he was doing, circling my dick with his tongue, sucking me off like he said he wouldn't.

"Gee, I'm close," I moaned, and I felt his tongue dig into my slit, then his whole mouth was gone, replaced my his hand, which was completely stationary, not moving at all.

"I'll let you come," he teased. "If you admit your true feelings about DC."

His hand squeezed tighter, and his thumb digging into my slit this time, and I gasped, moaning out swears and gripping my hair.


"Say it," he cooed gently into my ear. "I know how you really feel, you've just got to admit it to yourself."

"Never," I whispered, so he shrugged and let go of me. I whimpered at the loss of contact, and closed my eyes, throwing my head back against the cushions. "Gerard, please," I begged and he raised an eyebrow.

I sighed. "Fuck, you're right. DC is better. But only the comics, now will you please finish what you started?" I said breathlessly and he grinned.

"I knew it," and wrapped his gentle fingers around me, pumping me until I finished, his name on my tongue and absolutely no regret at all.

After all, DC is better.

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