thirty-five ~ our dirty little secret

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"Frank! You're gonna—fuck— slow down for a second!" I gasped as he bit at my neck. But nevertheless, as soon as he heard me, he stopped immediately and looked up at me with concern in his eyes.

"I'm sorry... what'd I do wrong, sugar?"

"You realise the only reason we're shirtless on your bed is because I'm leaving for a week to go to a family reunion, right?"

"Sounds about right, yeah," he giggled and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "So what's wrong?"

"I can't have hickeys on my neck at a family reunion, babe, that's a setup for disaster and possibly outing myself to homophobic family members."

He nodded. "Okay... but what if I put them where no one else could see them?" He winked. "It could be our dirty little secret."

I blushed and we both laughed a little, eventually calming down.

"So, what do you say, sugar?"

My phone buzzed, and I held up a finger, knowing it was my mum who texted by the text tone. So did Frank. My eyes closed in defeat as I read the message.

"Let's please keep our pants on, my mum is going to be home in like fifteen minutes," I sighed, and Frank shrugged.

"Whatever. Making out with you is better than nothing, and plus, I love giving you hickeys so, I'm not really going to complain."

I felt my face go red as I smiled up at the boy sitting on top of me. "Just keep them as our dirty little secret then," I smiled and he smirked, lips attaching to right under my collarbone, tongue and teeth helping him suck on the spot as I moaned softly and gripped his hair. His kisses and hickeys trailed lower, leading all the way down to my belly button, and yeah we were both getting hard, but it didn't really matter anymore. We were both moaning messes anyways.

"F-Frank!" I gasped as he started sucking sweetly on a spot right below my belly button that always drove me crazy. "Fuck!"

He pulled off of me and kissed me again, taking his sweet time with pressing his tongue into my mouth. But as soon as it entered, I pulled away.

"Let's take a shower, we're both disgusting."

"But I thought—"

"Fuck it, I don't care anymore and I wanna suck you off, just come on!" I said, and he didn't even hesitate while I pulled him into the bathroom and turned the water on.

We both stripped and threw our clothes into the empty hamper. He knew he could borrow mine, in fact I kind of like it when he did, and apparently he liked it when I did too, because I had a few articles of clothing that were his in my current inventory.

He pulled me into the shower and I sunk to my knees right away, wasting no time, but he pulled me right back up, pressing his boner into mine.

"If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do this the right way," he whispered in my ear, and then I heard the front door swing open.

"Gerard! Frank! Mikey needs some things so we're going shopping! We'll be back in a couple hours tops!"

"Okay!" I yelled back.

"Don't use all the hot water motherfuckers!" Mikey called from downstairs and I turned to Frank, catching his eye as we giggled.

"Okay!" I managed to call back down.

"Text me if you need anything! Bye!" My mum yelled, and then the front door slammed back closed.

"Oh my fucking god, that did not just fucking happen!" Frank grinned and I shook my head.

"Do you still wanna fuck in here or on my bed?"

"I'm too lazy to get dried off," he said, rolling his hips into mine. "Plus, you look delicious with water falling on you like that, baby."

I grinned as his fingers glided up my waist.

"Thanks, Frankie," I whispered. "Oh, and I prepped myself before you came over so..."

He didn't need to be told twice. He pressed me into the wall, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. Lining himself up with me, he pressed into me, softly and slowly as we both let out loud moans.


"Your hairs still wet doofus," Frank said, ruffling my hair with the towel until he saw fit and then hung it over my desk chair.

"You still don't fit my clothes, so I think I win this battle," I smirked, turning around and kissing the midget on the lips.

"Well, that's because you like wearing oversized shirts anyways," he pouted, and I shrugged. He was wearing my x large Pink Floyd t shirt, and it draped around his body. It was big for me, so it didn't even stay on his shoulders, and one of them was poking out, leaving the hickeys I'd left on his neck and chest in plain sight.

He'd kept his boxers and shorts from before we messed around though. I loved these shorts, they were adorable. They were short, and when he sat down, they rode up on his beautiful thighs, revealing just enough leg that I wanted to ravish him here and now, but not enough to show the tattoo he had that he got dedicated to me, because he only wanted me to see it.

I pulled him into my lap and his legs curled up in his arms, his head resting on my chest.

"You're so small," I murmured into his damp hair and he flipped me off.

"You're too tall," he countered and I rolled my eyes.

"Hardly. Plus I love that you're so short, it makes it like ten times easier to cuddle with you."

"Okay," he purred and kissed my neck, his lips tickling my skin quickly before pulling away. "That's fair."

"I love you my little midget," I kissed his forehead and he snuggled further into my neck.

"I love you too," he mumbled. "I'm gonna miss you."

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