fifty-one ~ it would be easier

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Gerard pushed newly dyed red hair out of his eyes as he walked down the streets of New York, crossing where he needed to and licking his lips occasionally. He was walking to the coffee shop to satisfy two kinds of thirsts. One was the dire need for caffeine. He was an addict, and he was okay with that. But he also needed to see Frank's face once again.

He'd cried for the past few weeks every time he got a moment to himself. His playlist titled 'xofrnk' had changed from songs like "Saturday Night" by the Misfits and "Stay" by David Bowie to songs like "The Scientist" by Coldplay and "Nothing Compares 2 You" by Sinead O'Connor.

But to be honest, the new and improved version of Gerard didn't care that he was going through the phases of heartbreak that his stupid skater-boi ex-boyfriend had caused him. Because even though the man had really done it this time, Gerard couldn't find it in himself to hate him. It'd be so much easier if he could be angry, it would be easier if he could really hold a grudge against Frank. But he couldn't. Gerard wasn't only kind-hearted, but he was realistic.

He hadn't caught the man cheating. Frank hadn't been lying, he hadn't done anything wrong that Gerard had pointed out. No, in fact, Frank had come to him crying and telling him "Gerard I just cheated on you."

Keyword: caught.

Gerard had been angry in the moment, yes, but as soon as he slammed the front door of his own house and escaped towards Ray's house on the subway, he was crying because Frank had come to him with truth, with care and respect of his feelings and he'd pushed him away. He'd gotten off the subway and switched trains, accepting one of Frank's many calls and got back to his apartment in one piece, his emotions sorted out cleanly.

Frank had come clean. It had been a one-time thing, but he'd been missing Gerard and Jamia was telling him she could make it all better and he'd believed her. He'd then had sex with her and realising what he'd done, gone straight back to New York the next evening when his train was scheduled, heading to Gerard's apartment before his own.

Gerard had heard him out and as disappointed as he was, he was sure that they'd work it out. But Frank hadn't wanted to. He'd said he didn't deserve Gerard anymore. He'd said he'd ruined anything that could ever happen between them for the both of them.

The bell on the door jingled obnoxiously as Gerard walked into Frank's side job. He walked up to the counter and did his best to keep a low profile, but bright red hair and an army-patterned trench coat weren't doing him any good.

Frank's cheery voice greeted him at the door and Gerard knew as soon as he heard it that Frank wasn't looking up. He made his way to the counter to order and that's when Frank saw him.

Their eyes locked and Frank's watered slightly.

"Gerard?" he whispered.

The regret was practically radiating off of Frank. It was eating away at his mind--it had been for the past few weeks. The short boy tucked his hair behind his ear and shifted on his feet. His black nail polish was chipping and his finger tattoos were as prominent as the blush that had appeared on his cheeks. Whether the blush was from the romantic feelings that he clearly still harboured for the redhead or from the tears that were welling in his eyes or from the guilt that was swimming in his features, Gerard couldn't tell, but he brushed it off.

"Hi, Frank. Aren't you gonna ask what I want?" He kept himself composed. He had red hair now, so he stuck out because he wanted to be noticed. The colour made him confident. He was here to see his ex and to check him out and wallow in the sadness and guilt that it brought him when he got home. He just needed to see the man that he used to call his one more time. But he couldn't show that, so he plastered a small smirk to his lips and a nonchalant air to himself and pretended he didn't listen to heartbreak songs on the regular.

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