day 8 ~ sleeping in

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock again, and I hit snooze almost instantly, snuggling back in with Gerard's sleeping body, letting my eyes close and my mind drift off to dreamland once again.

Yet seven minutes later I was startled awake again by that stupid fucking noise, and this time a sleepy Gee rolled over to look at me.


"Morning, Gee. I have to get up," I slurred, turning off the alarm.

"No, staaaaay," he whined sleepily, wrapping his arms and legs around me. I smiled and kissed his forehead, pulling his face away from my chest.

"I wish I could, love," I said, kissing him gently. "But I have to go to work. I'll be back in the afternoon just like always."

He nodded. "I know, but I just want you all to myself. Is that too much to ask?" His eyes were glossed with affection, and they plead with me.

"I... I have to go in, baby."

"I know." He just clung to me tighter.

"Hey, what if we showered together? I'd have my shower and then we could be together longer."

He giggled and hid his face. "But I'd rather stay in bed."

I laughed too and stroked his hair. "I know me too."

"Call in sick."

"That's not really a thing. The band's counting on me."

"Right, right. Then I guess I'll take you up on that offer," he mumbled, but he didn't move.

"Sure you will." I gently untangled our limbs and got out of bed. "Join me if you want to, baby."

I walked stiffly to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped myself of clothing, set two towels on the toilet seat and got into the shower. I washed my body and my hair, and was just about to get out when I heard the door open, close and then felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a warm chin set itself on my shoulder. Gerard's long black hair tickled my neck and I turned around, bringing him into a kiss.

"Want me to help wash you, darling?"

He shook his head. "You can get out and get ready if you need to, I was just gonna steal the water from you. My alarm goes off in an hour and I figured why not get up a little early."

I nodded.

"But you could stay," he said, his eyes glinting with a kind of mischief.

"What will you do if I stay?"

He took me in his arms, pressing me gently against the shower wall. "This."

He kissed me suddenly, his lips forcing his tongue into my mouth without warning. I let out a gasp, surprised at this and he took this as an advantage to kiss down my neck, leaving obvious hickeys. No type of shirt would help cover these up.

I didn't let myself moan—I had places to be, remember?—but I did let Gee give me multiple of these love bites, and then gave him some of my own, putting them in places he could hide.

My job allowed me to look however I wanted as long me and the band finished the record. Gerard had to look presentable—minimal tattoos and piercings and that kind of stuff. Fuckin art teachers.

When I was satisfied with the marks I'd left and the boner I'd given him, I stepped away, kissing him gently and smiling, stepping out of the shower to leave him to deal with his little problem.

"I'm already late, so I'll see you later today, baby."

"O-okay," he said, flustered, and I smirked. "Promise you'll actually fuck me when you get home?"

"Oh but of course," I said, wrapping a towel around my waist. He poked his head out of the shower and I grinned at him, pulling him into another kiss. "I love you darling. I'll see you tonight." I winked at him and his cheeks got even redder.

Then I walked out of the bathroom, rubbing my sore neck and getting dressed quickly. I'd have to have a granola bar for breakfast today.

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