day 23 ~ being old together

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(i already posted this but it got 3 reads and i was completely uninspired so i just reposted it :/ sorry)

"Daddy?" Bandit came into the kitchen where her father was bent over the kitchen table, sketching out a new character and filling in a character sheet for a new D&D campaign that he and a few friends took part in.

"Yes darling?" he looked up from his sketch and smiled at his daughter who was clutching her phone tightly.

She looked guilty, and her cheeks turned rosy as she looked to the floor. "Well, I..."

"What's up, sweetheart?"

"Well for one, I'm fourteen, so you can stop calling me those names, but secondly, um..."

Gerard waited patiently, looking at his teenage daughter-- well and truly marvelling at how quickly she'd grown up. "I'll stop, Bee, but what's wrong?"

"Did, umm..."

Gerard waited patiently, growing more and more nervous by the second. Bandit's knuckles were white and shaky as she put the phone in her back pocket. He didn't say anything, but he felt like he knew what was coming. I mean, she had to figure out at some point didn't she?

"Did you and... did you and Uncle Frank ever... um, well, cheat on mum and Aunt Jamia?"

Gerard sighed, and rubbed his eyes. "Sit down, sweetheart-- I mean, Bee. Um..."

She looked at him expectantly, and he bit his lip. "You know that teenage and twenty-year-old boys are very uh... sexually driven, and you know what testosterone is, right?"

She nodded at this, her eyes widening.

"Well, when we were performing in MCR, I'd like to say that I was an attractive young man, and he was an even more attractive young man, and when you've got endorphines and testosterone in your blood and you haven't seen your girlfriend in months, or in my case, didn't have one, you tend to uh... do things that make people think that you're dating."

"Like fucking making out on stage? Dad, I think you might have been in love with Uncle Frank."

Now it was Gerard's eyes that widened, and his cheeks turned a bright shade of red. "I--I uh--"

"OH MY GOD, you were," she yelled and then whispered. Gerard put his sketch and his papers away. It was time to make dinner, and what better excuse to have for your cheeks being bright red than being near a stove that was hot.

"N-no!" he said, getting up to put on the water to make pasta. "I was not in love with him."

"You 're lyyyingg!" she mocked. "You're blushing like a school-girl," she giggled, but then her face fell. "You're really blushing like a school-girl dad..." she repeated.

"I am not!" Gerard insisted, but Bandit clasped her hands over her mouth. But not even her hands could cover up her mouth which had gone wider than her eyes.

"You're still in love with him!"

Gerard silently thanked the god he didn't believe in anymore that his wife wasn't in the house at the moment and that she was still at the music school giving bass lessons.

But he didn't reply to his daughter. He only hid his face in the pasta that he was now dumping into the boiling water.

"Oh my god, you're really still in love with Uncle Frank?"

"Please stop calling him Uncle, Bee. It makes it sound like he's my brother."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because he's anything but that to you isn't he, dad," she deadpanned and then giggled. "You guys are cute."

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