day 29 ~ doing chores around the house

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part three to the whole vampire thing because i'm particularly unmotivated at the moment

"Week six, day three," I heard Frank say as he got up out of bed to the sound of our alarm. "Ready, baby?"

I pouted and got up anyway. If I didn't work, I wouldn't have a steady income of money, and if I didn't have a steady income of money, not only would I have to rely on Frank's but it would also make me feel even less of myself.

Speaking of, it had definitely gotten better. I felt okay going places without Frank, which was not the case for the first few days. I had to call in sick for a few until I felt like I could go back into society without my clan leader. Apparently, vamp babies were always clingy like this, especially to the vampire that turned them, and a little to the clan master. Frank had said he was proud of me only taking three days off before I went off on my own. He said normally, it took an average of two weeks before most baby vamps could leave their turner.

I also had more of a sense of what I wanted rather than what Frank told me I should do. It was hard the first couple of weeks to ask him for blood, but when he taught me how to hunt on my own, I was able to go out on my own and get a few squirrels or rabbits without much of a problem. People, on the other hand, were harder. When you drink blood from a person, it's difficult to stop yourself before the person's death, so when you're a baby vamp and listen to everything your turner or clan leader tells you, it's easier to obey. And by the time you're not under the spell anymore or you're trusted to go and hunt on your own, you're able to stop yourself and spare a life much easier.

I'd already done so, and Frank looked like a proud mother, which was offputting, but understandable. He was really very patient with this whole thing.

"You hunted last night, love?" Frank asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind me and I leant into his touch as if on instinct. I felt safe there, and warm.

"Mhm," I hummed and felt a chaste kiss being pressed to the back of my neck.

"You're doing so well, sweetheart," he whispered. "You're gaining your independence so well. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, m--Frankie," I stuttered, earning another kiss to the back of my neck.

"Good," he purred, and I felt a single shockwave of pleasure roll down my spine.

"Stop it, you're gonna cause me a problem," I scolded, gently pushing him away and rolling my eyes at the smirk that inhabited his face.

"Wouldn't want that right now, would we, hm?" he teased. "We've gotta go to work."

I nodded. "Speaking of which, I'll put the kettle on for coffee and then take a shower."

"No," he said. "Just ask me to put the kettle on, I'm just as able as you, my darling. You know you can ask me to do things, you know you're my equal."

"I know, I just feel bad," I murmured.

"And that's a Gerard thing from before I turned you," he kissed my cheek. "I'll make us coffee, you go ahead and shower."

I nodded and he smiled, ruffling my hair and making his way to the kitchen. I stepped into our bathroom and took a quick cold shower and then got dressed in my work clothes. As I walked into the kitchen, I finished tying my tie and walked into the kitchen where I was handed a mug of steaming coffee.

"Thanks, love," I said, kissing his forehead and watched in happiness at the blush that overtook his face. He didn't like admitting it, but he was more of a verse than he was a top, and verses couldn't constantly act like tops.

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