one ~ party poison pops the question

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"But Paaaarty!!" Fun Ghoul whined as he was pulled out by the red-haired man. "Please?! I just want to stay another half hour!"

"Baby, it's time to go," Party Poison said, tangling his fingers with Fun's. He looked down at the shorter man and kissed his cheek, pulling them to a stop, then taking Fun's other hand. He inched closer to the short, dark-haired man and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"You give me so many kisses," Fun murmured, and looked down at their intertwined fingers. "I love them."

Party's heart leapt and he grinned, gazing at his boyfriend's face. "Hey, Ghoulie, I'm sorry we had to leave so early. It's just that I've got something to show you."

Fun looked up at his boyfriend and smiled, his cheeks growing pinkish. Their faces were dimly illuminated by the flashing lights from the club they'd just left and bars and restaurants all around, pink and red and blue and faded yellow, a sweet vintage-y vignette painted on their faces. Fun bit his lip and untangled his hands to drape them around Party's neck before he leant up and kissed him just as he felt Party's hands settling around his waist. It was short and chaste—a sweet vintage kiss to match the sweet vintage aesthetic this whole town seemed to nurse.

"And what's that?" Fun asked softly as they pulled apart.


"What're you going to show me, babe?"

Party's hands tightened on Fun's hips and he grinned, leaning down to kiss him again, this time letting his lips linger for a bit, pressing them together, lust nearly spelt out on his tongue.

"You'll see. It's a surprise baby."

"Can I see tomorrow? I really want to go home and er... sort out a problem. And um... you, um... kissing me like that isn't helping," Fun's face got more and more red as he tried to complete his sentence without stuttering. He was horny as fuck. And Party was sexy as fuck with his bright red hair a little damp from sweat, sticking slightly to his forehead and the little smirk he had on, and his hands gripping his waist, and his kisses that seemed loaded full of love and lust. None of these things were helping.

"I see," Party smirked and pulled Fun a bit closer—their hips barely touching. He kissed him again, slower this time, and Fun almost moaned against Party's lips, and Party sure as hell noticed.

"I see," he repeated. "I feel the same way if it makes you feel better, but I've been wanting to show you this for a while and I just can't wait anymore. I promise I'll fuck you so hard you can't walk tomorrow, but only when we get home. Just come with me to this place?"

Fun shuddered and leant into Party, breathing in sharply as the words rung through his body. "Of course. Anything for you, darling."

They didn't walk far before they reached the destination Party had aimed for. They stopped right in front of the BL/ind memorial of the last dictator and Fun Ghoul looked up at it, considering it until he realised—this was the first place he'd ever come across Party Poison, the sexy, mysterious comic book artist.

Party took a seat on the concrete of the memorial that you weren't really supposed to sit on, but everyone did anyway. He pulled Fun down with him to sit right beside him, and he turned to face him.

"Hey," he said softly, and Fun giggled.

"Hey. I know this place."

"That's the point, baby," Party said and reached out to caress Fun's face once more. Just before it happened. Then he reached into his leather jacket pocket and retrieved a small black box.

"Fun Ghoul," Party said, scooting closer and opening the box. "The love of my life. I'm not gonna make this too grand because I know you hate things to be big and unnecessary. So, just—I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life waking up to see your gorgeous face, and making love to you, and living with you, and being happy with you and sharing my life with you. So how about it? Will you marry me?"

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