fifty-four ~ mr brightside (part two)

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When Frank had told him what went on that Saturday, Gerard had never thought that Frank and Bert's relationship would just go back to normal the next Monday. He thought Frank would break up with Bert or maybe just not show up to school at all, but he was sorely mistaken.

Gerard had kept his promise. He hadn't told anyone about what had happened. He hadn't even journaled about it in fear of someone finding it. So on Monday, when Gerard and Mikey were getting in the car and they saw Frank getting into Bert's again, Gerard didn't say anything, he just looked down in disappointment.

Gerard sighed and pulled out of the driveway after Bert had, again keeping a respectful distance, but something was off, and Mikey knew it.

"Gerard, what happened on Saturday?"

Gerard closed his eyes for a moment when they stopped at a red light, and now Mikey was really worried.

"The light's green, Gee."

Gerard opened his eyes and eased on the gas and they were driving again.

"A lot happened on Saturday."

"Did you guys kiss? Oh my god, did you guys fuck?"

Gerard sighed. "No, Mikey, unfortunately, Frank has a boyfriend. He just told me about some shit going on and I really thought he was going to break up with him. I'm worried about him. I have feelings for him, you're right, but this isn't even about that."

Mikey ignored the fact that Gerard was openly admitting his feelings, telling himself he could tease Gerard later. "What happened?"

"Not my place to tell you. If I could, I would, but I promised I wouldn't."

"Did you tell Ray?"

Gerard just shook his head and kept driving. "I wish I could."


"Gerard!" Frank yelled in the busy hallway over all of the people trying to get to the cafeteria. Gerard, however, was trying to get to the art room because he and Ray always ate their lunch there.

Gerard turned around and looked for the source of the voice and his eyes landed on Frank. His heart leapt in his chest.


Frank made it to Gerard, and he kept walking. "I'm going to the art room for lunch today like good old times."

"Ray's gonna be over the moon," Gerard said. "Are you okay?"

"He took photos of me," Frank said, his voice so low Gerard almost didn't hear it.

"What kinds of--"

"The kinds you're fucking thinking of. I... I'll tell you two when we get there."

Gerard's mouth dropped in shock and didn't close until they got to the art room. The art teacher smiled at them and told them to keep the lights off and pretend like they weren't there because she had lunch duty, so they had a dark empty classroom to the three of them.

Frank smiled weakly. "Perfect."

"Oh my god! It's Frank!" Ray grinned. "Man, welcome back! Where's Bert?"

Frank shook his head. "I don't really care right now. I've gotta tell you guys something."

Frank and Gerard sat side by side on one of the painted couches in the art room, and Ray sat facing them on the top of the table, his feet resting on a chair.

"What's up, Frank?" Ray asked cautiously and studied the intense look on Frank's face.

"So um... Bert took these polaroids of me while we were... um... fucking around, and then something happened on Friday, which I'll tell you about in a minute. So today, he drove to me to school, and when we got here I tried to break up with him, and he fucking..."

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