fifty-seven ~ rage and fluff

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"Fucking cis people problems," Frank growled as he threw his school bag down and turned on his speaker. He scrolled through his library for a few seconds before settling on his playlist titled 'anger' and laid down in bed, shoving his head into his pillow and screaming along with the lyrics blasting through his speaker.

When this wasn't quite enough, he switched over to standing up and holding his speaker to his chest and yelling along with the vocals, absolutely shredding his vocal cords as he paraded around his house screaming.

When there was a break for a guitar solo, Frank took matters into his own hands, and with fury directed towards his best fucking friend, he let it all out.

"FUCK YOU, GEE WAY!" he screamed and continued screaming and felt hot tears gathering in his eyes and spilling when he continued. "You're so fucking sad that you think you can just get a free pass to go and cry in the fucking bathroom for the entirety of maths class, and you don't even get shit for it!"

He huffed and pulled the cabinet open and grabbed himself a snack as he felt his heart flutter at the name. He kept yelling through the rest of the lyrics of the song. He began to curse out his best friend again.

"I bet it's so hard being sad sometimes, isn't it?" he mocked the girl to no one and stomped angrily up the stairs of his empty house. "You have to deal with people telling you that your shirt is ugly or the fact that you're bad at math, or the fucking fact that it's so hard to be a normal fucking cisgender girl. Well, you piece of shit," he yelled, feeling his heart float and then sink and then float again at her name. "You don't know pain. You don't know how it feels to wake up every goddamn morning and look in the mirror and have to fucking live with the fact that you'll never truly fit in your body. Because you will. You have a fucking sexy body and you have an amazing personality, but your biggest problem is that you're fucking sad sometimes," he yelled.

The music had turned off somewhere along the way of his rant full of hatred, so he paused to look down at his phone. Someone was calling him, and that someone happened to be Gee Way herself. He mumbled a quiet 'fuck her,' before answering and bringing the phone up to his ear.

"What's up?" he grumbled.

"C-can I come over? I need to tell you something, Frankie," she sobbed into the phone, and out of the kindness of his heart, the angry punk boy that just so happened to be trans, let her.

"Yeah. When will you be here?"

"Ten minutes."


He hung up. Pulling himself together again, he wiped the tears on his face and braced himself to answer the door to his best friend. She took around ten minutes to get there even though the two were neighbours, and when she came through the door, the first thing she did after closing it behind herself was to pull Frank into a tight, warm hug. Frank felt his brain go fuzzy and his heart skip a beat and his cheeks flush with colour, but he sighed. She was a girl. The first girl he'd ever liked.

"Come to my room?" he offered, pulling out some snacks, and she nodded, following him upstairs and sitting with him on his bed. She curled into a little ball and rested her chin on her hands which were crossed over her knees. "What's the matter?"

"Frankie, I... "

He waited for a moment and then placed his hand tentatively on her knee, and his previous anger was instantly replaced by undeniable attraction and an overwhelming need to take care of his best friend and make her feel better. "You know you can tell me anything."

"Y-yeah, that's why I came to you first. Frankie, I think I'm... I'm trans."

Frank's first reaction was to roll his eyes, but he considered it for a little while. This was probably why she'd constantly complain about having breasts and hips and how much she hated being in a dress when her mum forced her to.

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