part fifty-five ~ mr brightside (part three)

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"Wow, Frankie, you sure move on fast," Bert's voice echoed around Frank's brain as he teased him.

Frank didn't reply, he just kept walking down the hall to his locker.

"Yo, Frank, I'm trying to talk to you!" Bert called, running after him. Gerard shut his locker and rolled his eyes as Frank approached him with a literal walking arsehole tailing him. Bert halted right behind Frank when he saw Gerard, and Frank just turned around, stepping closer to Gerard.

"Anyway," Bert scoffed. "I was just saying that Frank moves on pretty fast. Don't worry, he'll be over you before you can blink."

Gerard rolled his eyes and ignored him, but Frank had other intentions. Once the short boy had stood up to Bert, he'd gained a lot of confidence.

"We aren't even dating, you arse. And besides, I was over you a long time ago, you just wouldn't let me leave," Frank pointed out, a wave of relief washing over him when Ray walked over to them.

"Bert, can you leave my friends alone?" Ray asked, and Bert looked up at the teenager that was half a foot taller than him and rolled his eyes, finally giving in.

"Fucking fine," he huffed, leaving the three boys alone in the hallway. They began walking towards the exit out to the parking lot where Mikey would be waiting for a ride.

"Don't worry, Frank," Ray sighed. "He'll be confrontational for like a week, and then he'll avoid you like the plague."

"Looking forward to it," he sighed, and his fingers tingled at their proximity to Gerard's. He ached to slip his fingers through the dark-haired boy's and squeeze tight. But he didn't, because again, it'd been two weeks and a few days since he'd broken up with Bert and it was far too soon to start anything with Gerard.

But his heart begged to differ, and he'd obviously told Mikey and Ray about this little problem.

They got out into the parking lot and saw Mikey texting someone on his phone, leaning against the hood of Gerard's car. Ray waved to them and fished out his keys, smiling.

"See you guys later tonight, right?"

"Hell yeah. My house," Frank grinned, and then he and Gerard walked towards Gerard's car.

"Hey, Mikes," Frank said, and Mikey smiled.

"Yo, what's up?" He turned to Gerard. "Oh, and Gee? Could you give me a ride to Pete's?"

"Yeah," Gerard said and unlocked the car. Frank sat in the front and Mikey slid into the back. Gerard handed Frank the aux cord. "Do you wanna stop by the house first?"

"That'd be great. I just need to pack an overnight bag real quick."

"Alright, no problem," Gerard said. Even if it was a problem, he kind of didn't have a choice. Their parents worked until 6 on Fridays, and if he didn't give him a ride and forced him to stay at home away from his boyfriend, Gerard would feel bad the whole evening.

When they got home, Frank stayed in the car, insisting he wanted to go with the Way brothers on their escapade to drop Mikey off, and Gerard really couldn't say no, so he just smiled and accepted, putting the car into gear and making it go to Pete's house.

"There ya go, Mikes!"

"Thanks for the ride," he said, squeezing Gerard's shoulder. "See you around Frank. You can do it."

When Mikey got out of the car and entered Frank's house, Gerard turned to Frank. "Do what?"

Frank had made up his mind. Mikey was right—he could do it. So he did.

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