sixty-three ~ the florist and the flirt

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"Hey, Gee, back again?" Frank asked and struggled to keep the smile off of his face. Gerard always did that. He had that kind of smile that you couldn't help but return, that kind of hair that you wanted so desperately to run your hands through, that kind of eyes that you couldn't help but get lost in sometimes.

"Yeah," Gerard smiled. "You've learned my name by now, Frankie. Am I that pathetic?"

"Hey," Frank said and then forced his smile, "for someone like you, buying flowers isn't pathetic."

Gerard turned red as he pulled out a slip of paper. "Here ya go."

Frank took the slip of paper and read it. Gerard would always come to the store and buy flowers for this mystery guy that he liked, and yeah, he talked to Frank about the guy many a time, and yeah, Frank was jealous, but the notes that he had to inscribe onto the little cards were actually quite adorable, and Frank was mature enough to see through his jealousy and be happy for his new friend.

His new friend that he may have caught feelings for.

"This is adorable. Whoever this is for is a lucky guy," Frank said melancholically and added a little wink onto the end of the sentence.

Gerard's cheeks flared and he smiled. "Thanks."

Frank got to work typing the small inscription out and sighed to himself as Gerard went and chose some flowers.

your eyes are like the stars in the sky and your smile is like the moon.
thank you for existing, i'll see you again soon.

Frank bit his lip and pushed back sour emotions as he hit print on his computer and watched the letters get stamped into a little piece of cardstock. He hole-punched it, threaded some ribbon through it and when Gerard returned, he attached it to the small bouquet.

"Thanks so much, Frankie," Gerard smiled and then, looking around and seeing the shop was empty, leant against the counter a little. "You mind if I stay and chat? I'm a bit early."

"You finally got a date with the guy you're writing these for?"

"I wish. I don't think he knows I like him, but that's really alright," Gerard said despondently and then smiled for a second, "but I think he might like me back."

"He does?"

"I think so, yeah," Gerard said, looking down at his hands which were folded on the counter and smiled to himself, "yeah, I'm pretty sure he does. He just doesn't know I like him too."

"But you're writing all these little notes. It's been a month or two, hasn't it?"

"A month and three weeks. This weekend it'll be two. But I'm finally gonna give the flowers to him in person, maybe next week. Then he might know. But until then," Gerard sighed and smiled tiredly, "I'm just hoping he figures it out."


"Hey, Frankie, I've got another one," Gerard beamed and made his way to the counter.

Frank smiled despite the pang of jealousy in his chest. "This man is a lucky man," he mumbled and Gerard grinned at him.

"And I'll be lucky if he likes me back," he sighed, and then took the slip of paper out of his pocket and placed it on the counter. "What kind of flowers should I buy with it?"

Frank put his hand in his chin and looked up at Gerard from behind his computer. "Peonies. Those are gorgeous flowers."

"Hmm, you're right," Gerard said and slipped another heart-wrenching smile in before turning to find a nice bouquet of peonies. Frank looked down at the letter.

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