seventy-seven ~ Frank Gets Laid by Someone He Actually Likes

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There's smut in this one


Frank breathed out. Everyone here looked the fucking same and no matter how many times he came to the same bar, that never changed. Frank was particularly upset about the men in crisp white shirts and ties, all of whom were drunk to every degree imaginable, none of them any less than buzzed. Their shirts were all hanging open by at least the first four buttons, and they were all slurring their words. The dance floor was teeming with them, the tiles under their feet flashing blue, pink, green, and red, lighting up their drunk, disgusting faces in their fluorescents.

Frank's muscles tensed up at the sight of them, so he turned away to face the bar. As much as he hated the smelly, drunk bastards that came here after work just to cheat on their wives, Frank knew that they all had one goal, which was to take someone home. So, he thought, he was no better than they were. The only things Frank had going for him was that he wasn't assaulting any of the women, and he was almost two years clean. And that wasn't going to go down the drain just because he was angry at the other men at the club, so he ordered a coke instead of the shot he was contemplating.

Once he'd gotten his drink, he turned around again, leaning against the bar to take a sip. He tried swaying to the music and sipping at the coke to calm himself down, but as he watched the shitshow in front of him, he couldn't help but think that he was no better than the drunkards crawling along the floor and the bar, grabbing at women. He didn't want to think about it, so he told himself that at least he wasn't drunk.

At least he wasn't drunk. He took another sip of his coke and put his hand on the top of the plastic cup as he searched through the crowd for a lonely looking person he might like. There were no men that stuck out to him because they all looked like they were straight, and if they looked anything but that, they weren't his type. So he moved on, looking for girls. He didn't find anyone that stuck out to him, but he knew his mood wasn't really helping him. He shoved the thought out of his mind, trying to relax, but all he could think about was the hot undertones of adrenaline flowing through his veins.

He flexed the muscles in his arms again, trying to calm down, but it didn't help much. He didn't have much coke left, so he drank the rest of it in a few sips, and decided that maybe this wasn't the best place to be, considering his lingering rage. The last thing he wanted was to be compared to one of the other men here, even the thought of it disgusted him. He left a tip for the bartender because he'd want one if he had to be here for the rest of the night, but right as he turned to leave, a girl screamed from a few stools away from him.

"I said fuck off!" she shrieked, and Frank immediately turned to that side, looking at the man hovering over her. Frank walked a few paces over, knowing that his anger was getting the best of him, but going anyways. The man was older so Frank knew he could push him off if it came down to it.

He nudged the man with his elbow just to get his attention, and as soon as he had it, he punched him square in the jaw hard enough to make him stumble back and look up, horrified, at Frank.

"What the fuck!" the man yelled, and Frank relished the look of shock on his face.

"She wants you to get off of her," Frank yelled back over the music, but not enough to let on exactly how angry he was. He tried to keep his cool in case he needed the adrenaline later.

"You 'er little boyfriend or something?" he spat.

"He is," she answered, and clung to him, and Frank instinctually put his arm around her too.

"Fuck off her!" Frank yelled, and the man stormed through the dance floor, guarding some sort of dignity he thought he had.

Frank immediately drew away from the girl, who he realised now, was still crying. He touched her arm and rolled his eyes: he hated when people were made to cry at the bar, it was always some fucking drunk asshole's fault.

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