day 17 ~ washing something ?!

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Yeah, sure. I know drinking a shit ton of coffee and then realising it's time to go to bed isn't the brightest idea ever, but I mean, I've done worse. Besides, now at least I could stay up and work on the song I was editing (struggling to edit).

So I picked up my guitar and got lost between the frets, and soon enough it was past three in the morning and was getting ready for bed when I received a call from Gerard. I sighed, exhausted, but I couldn't turn down a call with the man I longed for most at the moment.

"Hey, Gee. What's up? I was just about to--"

"Frankie?" He sniffled, and then let out a choked sob.

"Yeah, baby, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know what to do, Frankie, she's here, and she just... she just--"

"Who's there?" I asked softly, my heart pounding and my exhaustion was forgotten just like the water I boiled for coffee that I never drank.

"Lind-Lindsey, she... Oh, god, Frankie, she--" he sobbed, and I clutched the phone to my head.

"Baby, what'd she do?" I asked, my voice quivering too, my tone staying calm and gentle despite the frantic state I was in. I ran a shaky hand through my hair.

"R-remember how last time I saw her she tried to... she tried to touch me?"

"Yeah, Gee, tell me that didn't happen again," I pleaded, and heard another sob.

"She... she did it again, and this time she actually did it..." he whispered, and I clutched the phone harder. "It was so bad, Frankie, I wasn't even hard, and it was so uncomfortable. Frankie, I wish I could do something like I wish I had somewhere to go."

I sighed, frustrated. "I do too." I mean, it's difficult when I'm on tour and I miss my boyfriend, but this, this was really not a good time. I was in Mexico for fuck's sake. All I want is to help but of course I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Where's Mikey? Is he still over at our place?"

"Y-yeah," he stuttered, and I sighed in relief.

"Good. Where is he right now?"

"He's in the room sleeping. I'm in the bathroom. She," he said disgustedly, but I heard the traces of fright, "Is on her way back home, thank god. But yeah, Mikey's here."

"Can you wake him up and tell him what happened? Or are you not comfortable enough to do that? Which is fine."

"I-I can do that," he said timidly, sniffling again.

"Good. I'm sure he won't be upset with you for waking him up, okay, Gee?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea."

"Thanks," I said, and felt my nerves melting away. "Just tell him what happened and I'm sure he'll find a way to help you okay? Call me back when you want, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, Frankie," he squeaked, his voice breaking. "I love you."

"Aw, I love you too, beautiful. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay. Bye, babe."

"Bye," I said with finality and he hung up first. I rubbed my temples, trying to force myself asleep. 

Jet-lag is a motherfucker. But apparently I wasn't the only one awake. I looked up from where I was sitting at the small table in the tiny kitchen of the tour bus and saw Kayleigh walking in quietly.

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