seventy-two ~ sleeping with the enemy

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Frank pushed the mask back up his nose, faking a cough to try to explain why he had it on even though no one around him was asking. He knew that even if people didn't ask him, he was always going to be lost somewhere in some people's memories.

The plane was uncomfortable, but by giving an occasional cough, the flight attendants left him pretty much alone save for dinner and the occasional water. Frank didn't want to speak too much because he didn't want all of the flight attendants to know he spoke English. Naturally, he spoke his native language instead, and the bilingual flight attendants spoke Italian back to him, some more naturally than others. However, even when he did speak, he made sure not to say too much.

When he landed, he looked at his watch. He was right on time which meant that by the time he got his bags, the 'taxi' would be at the airport for him. Triple checking that he had everything with him, he waited for the majority of people to leave the plane and then got off as the crowded aisles were finally thinning out. He found his bags with ease even at the unfamiliarity of this airport. Checking the back of his aeroplane ticket again, Frank saw the taxi number he was supposed to be getting in. He waited in the sticky summer air until cars started pulling up, and kept an eye out for the taxi he was assigned to. When he found number 88, he got into the backseat while the driver helped put his things in the back. As soon as they were off, the driver exhaled and smiled at Frank through the mirror.

"Come va? How was the flight?" The young man asked.

"Sto bien, the flight was smooth, Lucio. I think I got by pretty well."

"Good to hear. We're gonna drop this taxi back off so I can officially get off work, then we can drive to your flat."

Frank nodded, knowing not to say too much since there was an extremely large chance the cab had a mic in it. "How have you been, and how is your wife? Everything okay?"

"My lady, she's as amazing as ever, and I'm doing well too. How come you never have someone to talk about? The ladies or gents at home not appealing enough to you?"

"Love seems like a dangerous game to play for someone like me," Frank said, winking quickly at Lucio in the mirror and knowing that he understood. They both knew that Frank often lamented at the fact that he was constantly in aeroplanes or on missions, but it was what he loved doing for his country. Italy was his pride and joy, and even though he knew very little about the war, his boss told him he was on the right side of history, so he didn't mind the loneliness. If he needed a quick fuck, he knew a guy in Rome and he had a feeling he could find someone in DC too.

"Roosevelt called it the 'Second World War' recently," Lucio remarked, hastily changing the subject to keep either of them from going too far. "And they're calling the 'Great war' the 'First World War.' It's crazy the times we're living through, isn't it?"

"You can say that again, mio amico," Frank replied with a gentle laugh. "I wish I knew more about what Germany was doing so I could know what Italy was fighting for. Isn't it just because Germany invaded Poland? Why cause a world war over some land?"

Lucio bit his lip. "Sometimes, amico, I think we're on the wrong side of history."

Frank didn't have time to answer him, for they pulled into the cab parking lot and parked. Lucio got out of the cab and locked it up after helping Frank with his bags. They walked to where Lucio's own car was parked and put Frank's bags in the trunk. It was then that the two reunited friends could sit in the front seats together.

Lucio smiled at Frank, finally able to see him properly. "It's been a long time since you've last been here, hasn't it?"

"Yeah... Still own that flat though, if you can even call it that," Frank said through a laugh, and they were off towards it, the taxi cab crawling through the city, weaving through traffic. At last, when they arrived at it, Frank invited Lucio in, offering him coffee, but the latter declined, saying that his wife was waiting for him at home, for it was early in the morning in Washington DC. Lucio laughed it off as a misunderstanding, and Frank, red-cheeked with embarrassment laughed with him.

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