day 2 ~ pet names

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~smut; daddy kink. NOT DDLB~

"Hey, honey, I'm home," I called comically when I opened the door, and I heard Gerard's muffled giggles coming from upstairs. I put my coat away and ran my hands through my hair, going to get a glass of water, but I didn't even get to finish it when I heard Gerard's voice.

At first, I thought he was moaning, but then, I realised he was just calling my name, and I sighed as my pants grew tight at this.

"Frankie! Come up here! I wanna show you something!"

I smiled at his voice again, climbing the stairs. Our bedroom door was ajar, soft light leaking out. I slowly opened the door, my mouth dropping at what I saw.


He was spread out on the bed, lying over the covers which were (unusually) neat, wearing nothing but a set of red and black lingerie. The bra didn't really fit because there was nothing to fill it in, but the way it hung loosely off his shoulders, making him look flustered was almost too much. But what really topped it off what his obvious hard-on—clearly visible through the matching underwear.

"Hi, Frankie," he giggled in the most innocent way possible and I felt my pants getting perpetually more uncomfortable. "Like what you see?"

I stood there, stunned, and shook my head in disbelief. "I-I..."

Gee sat up on his knees, pushing his deep red hair out of his eyes and I noticed how turned on he was. His face was red, his breathing slightly uneven, his dick almost swollen, a little smirk playing out on his lips.

"You love this, Frankie. Admit it. You absolutely lose it when I dress femininely."

I nodded frantically because of my loss of words, still stuck in the doorway and staring at my beautiful boyfriend. He slowly slipped to his feet and sashayed over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me, leaning down to kiss him, but he stopped me.

"Take yours off first."

"O-okay, but Gee, what're you doing?"

He shrugged. "It's Friday night and you've been stressed about work all week. I thought you'd like to come home to this. I can put it away if you don't like it," he said, his smirk turning sour. He settled on the bed again, crossing his legs in his lap. 

"I love it, baby, I'm just still shocked," I admitted, my cheeks heating up. I pulled my belt off and then my shirt, pants and socks. 

"C'mere," he said, smiling again, and I did, walking into his arms. His lips met mine fervently. "I wanna try something new if that's okay."

"Just to take it a step farther? Because coming home to this is new for me."

He giggled. "Yeah."

I kissed him again. "What kind of things, baby?"




I sat down on the bed next to him and sighed at the feeling of his fingers running over my tattoos. "What kind of names are you talking about, baby?"

"Like um..." his cheeks were almost as red as the lace on his lingerie, and I smirked, holding his jaw lightly and kissing him. 

"Don't be embarrassed I think I already knew what you're talking about, darling." I kissed him again, nipping at his lip gently and grinning when he leant into me. 

"You do?"

I nodded. 

"So you're alright with me... I mean, c-can I call you daddy?"

I nodded. "Of course. I love pet names."

He blushed, and I ran a hand up his thigh, making him shiver. "Thanks, daddy," he said, and I felt a twinge of pleasure run up and down my spine. 

"Mm, anything for my baby," I said, pushing him back. "Now, shall I fuck your pretty little arse, or do you just want me to jerk you off, baby?"

His face went bright red. "I... I prepped for you, daddy."

My eyes widened, and I squeezed his thigh, my free hand going to press his down against the mattress. "Did you use a toy, baby?"

He nodded frantically. "It's still in there."

"You wanted me to take it out for you, didn't you." It wasn't a question, and he didn't answer, just moaned quietly as I slipped him out of the bra and underwear. He tugged my boxers off too, and I helped him take them off. 

"Spread your pretty little legs for me, baby," I said gently and he moaned at the words, did it for me, eyes squeezed closed. "Mm, you used quite a big one," I said, eyeing the buttplug. 

"The biggest for you, d-daddy," he moaned as I pulled it out gently. 

"You're so good to me, darling," I purred as I pulled on a condom and spread lube around myself, revelling in Gerard's moans as I spread some around his hole. "Tell me when to start moving when you're ready, baby," I said, pushing myself into him. 

He winced in pain, but almost immediately told me to move. He really had prepped well. 

"Y-you're so tight," I groaned as I began to move, and he nodded. 

Soon enough, I heard a desperate moan from beneath me and raised an eyebrow. 

"R-right there, daddy," he gasped, and I kissed his neck softly as I continued thrusting into him. He felt so good around me, and I felt myself getting close. 

"I'm close, baby," I moaned, and felt his nails digging into my back. 

"M-me too!" 

I continued thrusting into him, hopefully hitting his spot every time, and the fact that I was was confirmed when I felt his nails dig deeper into my back and his come all over our chests. In a few moments, I had come inside the condom, and I pulled out of him, disposing of it. 

He pulled me back into bed with him and I kissed his chest and neck, feeling him giggling beneath me. 

"What's so funny baby?"

"We're so disgusting right now, and you're still kissing me."

"I wouldn't be opposed to taking a shower together, would you?"

I'm so bad at writing smut omg. istg the next one is gonna be fluff and it's gonna be cute dw

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