forty-eight ~ without you

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"Please," Frank begged, holding Gerard's hands tightly in his own in the cold winter air outside of his apartment.

Gerard was leaving. He wasn't staying. "This is over," he'd said. "We're over, Frankie."

They'd had another one of their arguments over something stupid, and then Gerard was grabbing his coat and slipping on his boots and tying them up aggressively, glaring away from Frank as he did so. He'd gotten up swiftly, opening the front door harshly and leaving Frank to follow him out into the cold January air.

Weeks prior, when they'd kissed on New Year's Eve, they'd celebrated their two year anniversary. They'd gone to stay with Gerard's family for that year's Christmas and Gerard's parents loved Frank just like always. They'd gone to Frank's for Thanksgiving and Frank's parents were excited to see him again; they'd become like family to him as well. Months prior, Gerard had thrown Frank a surprise birthday party with a few of their friends. Before that, Frank had taken Gerard to New York for Gerard's birthday and they'd spent a weekend together doing all of Gerard's favourite things. A year before that exactly, Frank had told Gerard that he'd loved him after they'd had sex and while they were revelling in their afterglows and just admiring each other. Gerard had said it back almost immediately confident and so very much in love. And the December before that, the two had met at a coffee shop when they were both doing work and had nowhere to sit. Frank had come in and ordered his drink and asked politely to sit with the red-haired man because he'd caught the man stealing glances at him. And there, their romance had been born.

But now, Frank was standing outside of his house, shivering in his shirt and jeans, tears flooding down his cheeks as Gerard looked at him with cold and heartless eyes that he'd never seen before.

"Gerard, please, I don't know what I'd do without you," he begged, clutching Gerard's hands and shivering.

"Frank, let go of me," he said sharply, a tone he'd never used with Frank before. His eyes were different. His tone was different. He had always been so caring, so wonderful, full of love, and yes, a little frustration and anger sometimes, but who wasn't? They had fought as every couple did. Frank had hated fighting with Gerard, but they'd always make up. They'd always sort it out.

Now, Frank was ashamed that he hadn't appreciated fighting with Gerard more, because when they were fighting, at least they were still together.

"Gee, look at what you're doing!" Frank cried, sniffling. "Look at you! You're walking out of my house and breaking up with me because of one stupid argument?"

"Frank, please," Gerard sighed, clutching the bridge of his nose. "Just let me go."

Frank shook his head. "If I... I-if I let you go, you'll never come back."

Gerard looked at the boy he loved, making sure to keep his eyes cold. He needed to disappear again. He needed to make a new life for himself, to forget everything about this one like he'd done a hundred times, maybe a thousand.

"That's right," Gerard whispered, trying to shake the trembling boy off of him. "You'll never see me again, and if you do, I won't see you. Let go of me, Frank, please. You're acting like a child."

Frank shook his head again, refusing. Instead, he threw himself at Gerard when he was weak, wrapping his arms around him and burying his head in his chest.

"Frank, please," Gerard sighed. "Get off of me."

"No!" Frank sobbed, clutching him even more tightly. "Just let me fucking have this. Just one last time, Gerard!"

Gerard sighed, but he pushed Frank away anyway, peeling his arms off from around his body and shoving him back. "Stay away, Frank. You don't know me."

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