day 5 ~ scar worship

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It was a blazing hot summer day when Party Poison and I were sitting in his bedroom together, reading comics as always. We both had our shirts off because it was so fucking hot, and the two fans that were blowing at full power weren't really doing much to help. Even holding the comics up to our faces was hard because the sweat from our fingers would make the thin pages slip from our fingers. I put my comic down and looked up at Party who seemed to already have been looking at me.

"Hey, um, Frankie?"

I looked at Party Poison like he was crazy. It was a risk to use our real names--we'd get found out. But right here, right now, far away from Battery City, I let it slip because my beautiful boyfriend was looking at me with innocent, shiny eyes--ones I could never resist.

"Yeah, Gee?" He smiled when I used his name, so I took note of this and continued. "What's up?"

"How'd you... um... how'd you get that scar," he said nervously, gesturing to the one running down my neck and onto my chest.

I smirked and glanced down at my sweat-covered chest and then back up at him. "It's a long story."

"I've got time."

"It's not pleasant either, babe."

"Whatever, I just wanna know. It's probably some epic fight story from before we all banded together where you were stuck under a car or some shit and had to flip it by yourself, and then--"

"Gee, stop rambling," I giggled, and he blushed. "It's not that epic of a story."

"I bet you're lying."

I shook my head. "No, actually it's kinda pathetic." Rubbing the back of my neck, I looked at my feet and tried to gather my thoughts. "It's from a long fuckin' time ago. Back when I was a kid. Still interested?"

He nodded, so I went on.

"Well, my dad, you see, he did shit like we do... killing dracs and rebelling and all of that, so he was never at home. He was always out doing another heroic thing, and my mum and I were left at home all the time. Well, whenever my dad was around, it was because he was recovering from an injury, which meant he either lost a fight or nearly lost one, and this always made him pissed off."

I looked at Gerard again, and since he still looked interested--albeit a little concerned--I continued.

"Well, my father didn't like me very much. Always told me I was a mistake and that I was tying him down and holding him back. It didn't help that my mother and I were very close. Even though he hated me, I knew he really wanted me to like him, and I knew he wanted to like me. He desperately wanted to like me, but since I'd fucking ruined his life or whatever, he really didn't have it in his heart to."

Gerard let out a small discontented sigh, his mouth forming an 'o' shape as he looked at me.

"So," I continued, "One day when he was particularly upset, he yelled at me, threw things at me, told me I was worthless, that I didn't even love my own father. He knocked me down, and I was so scared I couldn't move, and the next thing he threw... I forget what it was.... but whatever it was cut me really deep down my neck and chest. I was like fifteen at the time. Bastard started crying and helped me. He actually fucking helped me. My mother, of course, did most of the sanitary and medical work since she was so used to patching up my father, but after that, I stayed a respectful distance away from him whenever he was around. Not long afterwards, he died on a mission, and my mother and I were kind of set free. Now I have a scar on my neck and chest that constantly reminds me off that sick bastard. But it's okay, I guess. It's kind of a reminder that everything works out in the end, that karma's a bitch and she'll fuck you up."

Gerard nodded. "I...I didn't know... about your father."

"I never told you. I didn't tell Jet or Kobra either."

"You're so strong, Frankie... and I didn't even know how strong you really are..." he trailed off, deep in thought, leaning towards me.

"Babe, I'm not really that strong. I just act like it."

"We've been boyfriends for how long and you didn't even tell me this? You have to be so fucking strong to be able to hold all of that in and still be the person you are."

I felt another layer of heat drape over my face, and I pulled him to my side, kissing his unfortunately sweaty forehead. "Thanks, I guess."

He nodded looking up at me from where his head rested on my shoulder, tangling our fingers together. "You know, it's a pretty sexy scar if you ask me."

My cheeks got even hotter. "You... you think so?"

He nodded, lowering his head to get access to my neck, kissing where the scar started, then using tongue and teeth to create a small purple mark. I gasped and my grip on his hand tightened a little bit. He let his tongue slide down my neck, tracing the scar, and down my chest, where he left more hickeys, hiding them from the view from anyone else.

"Oh! Gee," I moaned when his bites made their way up my neck again, this time leaving what felt like bigger, sorer bruises, and I didn't find myself caring anymore. If we had to see Jet and Kobra's hickeys, they shouldn't mind seeing ours.

So I didn't hold him back when he sucked and kissed and bit my scar, covering it with giant purple hickeys, all down my neck and chest. When he was finished, he kissed me, and I tangled my hands through his hair, pulling his lips closer to mine, aching to find some sort of release in our kisses. I wasn't in the mood for anything else right now, and I could tell Gee wasn't either.

He pulled away slowly and grinned as he looked down my neck and chest.

"That's so hot," he murmured, and pulled me off the bed, leading me to the mirror, where he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck sweetly. I let my hands settle on his, and my head settled on his shoulder, gazing at my bruised neck and chest.

"You're so beautiful, Frankie."

"Mm, but you're more beautiful, Gee."

We whispered each other's names as though even that would set off an alarm and dracs would come running to us in our safe, secluded hideout--but it felt wonderful to say them all the same. We were safe, but it didn't feel like it.

However it did feel like we belonged to each other, and it felt right. But I broke my gaze away from his in the mirror, turning around, facing him and pushing him on the bed.

"My turn."

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