day 13 ~ in a fairy tale

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It was a crisp spring evening when Frank found a tall building. It towered above him, honing not only an air of mystery but also of intrigue, especially to the young thief who stood below it in the dying light. He pushed his hair behind his ears, uncovering his face that rarely saw the sun, much less the eyes of other humans.

He was a traveller of the night, and he usually found himself good places to sleep, but this cylindrical tower seemed like an inconspicuous place to stay for the night despite its outlandishness. Frank Iero was a crook, a thief, a proper criminal, but he was as smart and as quick as a fox; hiding in plain sight was a trick he used more often than not.

So, the young black haired man strode towards the tower in search for a door to knock on, letting his hair hide his face, and slipping on his skeleton gloves to hide his tattoos. But alas, as he circled the tower looking for a place to knock, he came up dry. It seemed as though someone had built this tower to keep people out, not it.

And this, for Frank Iero, was all the more reason to find a way in.

The day was growing old as the young man searched for an entrance, now determined to find one, his stubbornness taking over, good judgment seemingly thrown out of a window. A window! There it was, perched a good three-quarters of the way up the mossy stone tower. He breathed a sigh of relief as he found an entrance, then a puzzled look spread over his features as he realised it was at least forty feet up the side. Even if he did get up to the window, if he fell on the way up (or down for that matter) he would surely die, if not become severely injured.

And the point was to not die. He did have things to attend to as a thief of the night and a man searching for not only revenge but a way to pay back the men he'd indirectly harmed. He'd threatened the throne,—of which its king was a servant of God
—when he'd gotten the tattoos he had, some of them being direct insults to God, others being things relating to bands that were accused of doing so, some of the pieces of art being just outright banned in the country.

The king had, of course, blamed not only him, but the artists that had tattooed him, and sentenced them all to death. Some had been slain. For these, he was seeking revenge. Some were still living, and for these, he was looking for some sort of way he could try to make it up to them. So far, he'd found three of the living artists and he'd been able to do enough for them that they'd told him they were grateful and let him go.

He was continuing his search for the last one, Gerard Way, when he'd stumbled upon the tall tower that he was determined to figure out.

He paced around the building, looking for some sort of ladder, some sort of way to get up to the window, or even some crack in the wall that would open up to some staircase of sorts, but again, he was unlucky, coming up with absolutely nothing. So, being the stubborn little arse that he was, he determined he was safe enough in the secluded area and far enough away from the people that were bound to be looking for him to call up to the tower.

"Hello?!" he called as loud as he could. "Is there anybody in that tower?!"

And lo, and fucking behold, a head peeked out of the window, a head belonging to none other than the fucking Gerard Way.

"Frank Iero is that you, old pal?! I thought I'd recognised your voice!"

It was Gerard Way. Frank's heart beat faster and the blood rushed in his veins, heat spreading to his cheeks. The charming tattoo artist grinned down at him.

"I-it is, Gee! God, I've been looking for you for months. This is the last fucking place I would have thought to find you, you incredulous bastard!"

Gerard laughed, his voice echoing down to Frank. "That's the point, cutie. What good would it be for my life if I wasn't hiding somewhere? And this is perfect! There's this woman that agreed to help me for a year to get me food and water and all the necessities for living. Her name's--wait, why don't you come up here? You look like you're in need of some food and a place to sleep. Come up, darling!"

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