forty-six ~ binder

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"Hey, tranny, your tits are hiding pretty well today, I can't even see them!" I heard someone shout from across the hall and ducked my head down, knowing the comment was directed towards me.

It was an indirect compliment really, but not even girls like their tits being talked about so rudely. I rolled my eyes and made into my last period of the day. I pulled my blue plastic chair out and sat down at the table. I liked the classrooms like this one. I hadn't had a class without real desks in so long that this was a welcome change.

The bell rang loudly and I stuffed my earbuds and phone into my bag, taking out my supplies and watching warily as the teacher made her way towards my desk.

"Hey, Frank, I heard what the kid said about you in the hall. I can report him if you'd like."

I shrugged. "I have. Four times."

"Oh, well, if you ever need to talk to me, I'm here to listen, alright?"

"Thanks," I smiled at her. Maybe I would.

"I'm sorry that the admin can't do anything more, but it's Friday so at least you won't have to deal with it for another few days," she said and left me with that, making her way to the front of the classroom and asking us to take out our homework.


"Hey, Frank, you wanna come over after school? My parents are out this evening and I drove so we can hang out," Gerard said, leaning against the locker next to mine as I took out a couple of books and put a few back. "Besides, it's Friday so you can sleepover and we can binge movies with Mikey."

I shoved my locker closed and smiled, taking his hand. "That honestly sounds really good right now. I'd love to. Lemme just text my mum, alright?"

He nodded and waited for me to do so. I got an 'ok' text right away and looked up, smiling a little. "She says it's fine."

"Great," Gerard beamed, holding my hand tighter and pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Did you do the AP bio study guide, because I did not, and I need help."

"Yeah, I can help you."

"You're literally the best," he sighed, smiling at me. "I love you, Frankie. You know that right?"

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from smiling too much. "I love you too, baby."

When we got to his house, we grabbed snacks and sat at the kitchen table with his legs draped across my lap and the AP bio study guide's pages spread out in front of us. He was almost finished and everything was correct, so it didn't take us long to get through it.

"So," Gerard said, shoving a carrot dipped in way too much hummus into his mouth and crunching. "Because of the lack of sunlight, the CO2 just stays and makes the indicator turn a greenish yellowish colour, right?"

"Yep! And that's the end of that," I said as he wrote down what I'd just confirmed. "You got this, Gee. You keep underestimating yourself."

"No, you're just a really good study partner," he grinned, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Gimme a real one," I whined and he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "Thanks, babe."

"Anytime, love. Anyways," he paused. "Is that all you got for homework tonight?"

"Yeah. I did the rest during study hall."

"Sick, me too," he smiled softly and put all the papers back into his binder, pushing it away and taking my hands in his. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

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