fifty-three ~ mr brightside (part one)

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The angry noise blaring from Gerard's alarm clock woke him up again. Friday morning. Four agonising classes to get through, seven hours of being trapped in a cinderblock box, and then he got to hang out with Ray. Ray!

Finally motivated to get out of bed, Gerard hauled the covers off—hissing at the cold air that came into contact with his body—and rolled off of his bed. He pushed his hair out of his face and picked up his clothes, about ready to take a shower and get dressed when he glanced out of his window.

Frank's light was on.

Gerard ignored the flutter in his chest and yawned, walking groggily into the bathroom and turning the water on, determined to blame the flips his heart did on his exhaustion even though he knew that wasn't it. He hummed as the hot water hit his body and decided that he was never getting out. But unfortunately, after a glance at the clock, he turned the blissful water off and proceeded to wrap the towel around himself hurriedly, shivering as he dried his body off and slipped into a new set of clothes.

He made his way downstairs and saw that Mikey was already waiting for him at the kitchen table, slurping at some cereal and staring at his phone.

"Morning, asshole," Mikey said without looking up from his food. Gerard laughed half-heartedly.

"Morning, whore."

Gerard hurried, putting some cereal in a bowl and pouring milk in, crunching on the food as he sat down next to Mikey, shoving food in his face within the last few minutes before they had to leave to drive to school.

"Gee, slow down, you're gonna get indigestion."

"You wanna be late for school?"

"Touche," Mikey muttered. "Oh, and is Ray coming over tonight?"

"Hell yeah."

"Cool, just wanted to know if I could have Pete over or if I should go to his house."

Gerard paused. "Well, mum and dad aren't here tonight, so I guess you guys should be here so you can fuck if you want. But only if you keep it down."


Gerard's arm was now slapped. He shrugged. "I heard you last time too. It was gross as hell."

Mikey rolled his eyes and put his phone away. "Whatever. At least I'm not pining after my next-door neighbour."

Gerard's mouth fell open in shock. "I'm not--"

"Yeah, you are. You blush whenever Frank is over," Mikey's eyes glinted evilly. "Wait, why isn't he coming over tonight again? I thought it was you and Ray and him? You guys alwasy hang out."

"Not as of late." Gerard crossed his arms and then uncrossed them to shove a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "Because he has a boyfriend. He has for like six months."

"Huh, really?"

"They're cute, I guess," Gerard shrugged and shoved his last bite of cereal in his mouth. After downing the rest of the milk in the bowl, he got up and put his bowl in the sink. Mikey copied him. "Ready to go?"

When Mikey nodded, the two boys got their jackets on, grabbed their heavy bags and got into Gerard's car. Gerard was momentarily distracted by another car pulling up in Frank's driveway and Frank getting into it. Gerard recognised the boy in the driver's seat as Bert and cringed as the two kissed before pulling out of the driveway and heading down the street.

Gerard waited for a few moments before pulling out of the driveway himself.

"Why'd you wait?"


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