day 10 ~ watching each other sleep

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I woke up to my alarm at the arse crack of dawn again, turning it off before it awoke a sleeping Frank in the bed next to me. His hair was sprawled around his head like a halo, his eyes were closed gently, his mouth slightly open. He still looked gorgeous as he slept, and peaceful too, like he didn't have a care in the world.

He stirred, reaching out for me, and I let him snuggle in closer to my chest for a moment before deciding that I'd really rather not be late for work. Kissing his forehead, I got up and out of bed, leaving my beautiful boyfriend behind yet again.

I turned on the shower and got out my clothes, running my hand through my short silver hair as I waited for the shower to warm up. I heard the bed rustle behind me, and smiled. Soon enough, I felt my boyfriend's arms wrap around my waist from behind me. He was shirtless too, actually, probably naked.

"Can I shower with you, Gee? I promise I won't start anything. I need to get to work too."

I turned around, holding his hips and leaning down to kiss him. "Yeah, why would I turn down showering with you?"

He blushed and buried his face in my chest. "I love you, Gee," I heard him slur, and grinned.

"I love you too. You're still asleep aren't you?"

"Mm... yeah," he giggled, and I grinned.

"C'mere, the shower's ready, darling."

ik it's short, i'm sorrryyy

but ive just finished writing a frerard story. it's 8 parts and i'm gonna release one every day starting today as well as the 30 day challenge :))

it's called "summertime"

please go check it out because i worked really hard on it and edited it very thoroughly. thanks!!

eight :)

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