seventy-five ~ how do I tell him?

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Gee looked at herself in the dressing room mirror and smiled despite herself. Even though the underwear wasn't exactly meant for her, they fit her perfectly, and she felt a blossom of approval and hope in her chest, especially because the matching bra suited the way her boobs were beginning to fill in.

She let her hands drop, still lovesick with the lacey set even over her regular underwear, but as soon as her hand brushed her left thigh, she cringed—the hormone shot wound was still fresh from the day before. She'd only just taken the band-aid off a few hours before she and Lindsey had gone shopping.

"Lemme come in and see," Lindsey begged softly from outside the door, and Gee caved, letting her best friend join her in the dressing room. She had her own sets of underwear and bras in her hands anyway, so Gee decided she wouldn't mind sharing.

"What do you think?" she asked quietly, hoping to get her friend's approval to accompany her own. She looked back in the mirror at herself, hands resting on the tiny waistband of the red lacy underwear.

"You look stunning as always," Lindsey said with a smile. "You should get it in more than one colour, it looks so good on you."

"They have it in this, white, black, and pink."

"This and white. Save black for something more meshy, something you can see through, you know?"

Gee nodded, hiding another smile. She had another set picked out with exactly that in mind. "They have these in black and red."

They were almost exactly what Lindsey had been saying moments earlier, something meshy, leaving nothing to the imagination once put on. The set was simple and beautiful, the straps delicate lace and the rest gorgeous black mesh.

Lindsey's jaw dropped. "You've gotta get that, oh my god. Whichever colour you don't buy, I'll buy. I need those too."

"Aww, we'll be twinning," Gee said with a smile.

Lindsey smiled back, and then turned around, giving Gee her privacy. "Okay show me the next set."

When they finally got out of the store, they were both smiling and holding their bags. Four sets for Gee and three for Lindsey, and the roommates were out of the mall and off to their local thrift store.

Gee gravitated towards the band shirts, and Lindsey at the other side at the puffer jackets and jeans, so they agreed to meet up at the dressing rooms to try on clothes together. Gee floated towards the oversized shirts, and since it was a band shirt section, she was relieved to find that it was unisex.

As she was paging through the various shirts, she noticed that she was walking toward someone who was going the opposite way on the rack of shirts. She didn't look up until they were around five shirts away from bumping into each other, but when she did, she looked away instantly. Her cheeks burned, and she decided she didn't like any of the five shirts that were in between her and the man coming towards her.

Except, she forgot to move in her awe, and the guy bumped into her, distracted with the band logos and art on the shirts. He looked up, embarrassed, and she saw his cheeks start to get red too.

"I'm so sorry," he said, and Gee almost melted at his voice.

"No, I should've moved," she replied quickly and looked away, walking around him to get to the shirts he'd discarded.

"No, really, I should have looked where I was going," he insisted. "Frank, my name, is. Um, I mean, um, I'm Frank."

Gee chuckled slightly at the way he stuttered. "Gee," she replied. "I'm Gee, and it's lovely to meet you."

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