day 22 ~ competing

193 14 5


It's a strange relationship, Gerard's and Frank's.

Of course, it all started when Gerard started being more sexual onstage and then moving onto kissing and groping and advancing on Frank during our Black Parade tours. And after these things had been addressed and the two had started dating, I'd noticed a kind of competition going on between the two, and it's becoming more and more blatantly obvious.

The first night it had happened was actually our first day on tour for Killjoys. We were in the middle of playing "Destroya" and Gerard had the bit where he moans, and Mikey gets weird and nervous and I just try to use my beautiful guitar as a shield to their antics. So Gerard started moaning the bit and I looked over at them and saw that Frank was like, half-hard. It was expected to say the least since they're dating, but it was still weird.

I used my fro to shield my eyes.

Anyways, the next night, when Gerard sings over the moans and Frank does the backup vocals worth of moans, Frank started actually moaning and groaning and I swear to god, Gerard popped a full boner and missed a couple of the words. It all calmed down when we did "Summertime" thank god, but it was still offputting.

And since, they've just been going at it, trying to be as sexual as possible, seemingly to see who can make who pop a bigger one. I mean, last night, our show in La Cigale in Paris Gerard was dancing like a goddamn stripper and Frank was fucking blown away, I'm surprised the little rat didn't mess up the guitar part.

He's a great guitarist.

I'm getting sidetracked. The point is that it's gotten really obnoxious, and my poor boyfriend (god he's so adorable) (Mikey) is getting super uncomfortable with the way they dry hump each other on stage. Personally, I think in this little competition, Gerard is winning, but that's only because he has two free hands and he can pull Frank's hair, (which I've learned he likes just because they practically fuck onstage) and so he can push the poor boy or literally fucking touch himself on stage.

The crowds love it, but it's getting a little extra. It's a bit weird seeing your best friend masturbate have dry sex with your other best friend while you're preforming ON STAGE. So, I talked to Mikey about it, and he says that he's been noticing the same thing and that he's glad he's not the only one that's noticed that they're constantly trying to see who can make the other practically come onstage.

Anyways. I kinda wanna make Mikey come right now, (not onstage like those two rats) in a bed, like a good boyfriend does.

peace out.

PS. i hope they never find this because i love them both but it's just a lot to deal with lol

this chapter is bullshit because i am completely uninspired by these prompts

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