eighty-five ~ something new

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"Tall, thin, black hair. Looks like he's supposed to be a part of an emo book club or something," Frank's friend murmured, leaning her shoulder into Frank's. She took another swig of her Mike's. "At five o'clock."

"Him? Mia, you know I'm still mostly into girls, right? Just cause I came out like a couple months ago doesn't mean I'm only looking for guys."

"But he keeps looking at you, Frankie. Otherwise, I wouldn't say anything."

Frank looked up, and sure enough, their eyes met for a few seconds, but the boy looked away quickly, dropping his eyes and looking back at the guy standing right next to him. Frank felt something flutter in his chest, but he pushed it down out of habit before realising that he didn't have to anymore. There was still a little CatFrankieic guilt hiding in him somewhere, and it was enough to make him look at his shoes, and then back at Mia. He pressed his tongue into the roof of his mouth and inhaled through his nose shakily. Mia touched their shoulders, which helped him relax, so he shook his head.

"I think I just need to get laid. And not with a guy," Frank muttered, and even so, Jamia's shoulder didn't stop pressing into his.

"Find yourself a girl then," she said lightly. "I'm sure there are girls here that would love to go home with you."

Frank chuckled and felt a little knot loosening in his chest. He pressed his shoulder back against Mia's in thanks for her understanding. But when he looked up again, it was at the boy with the emo hair, and his heart did another little dance in his chest. He looked away, finished his drink, and winked at Mia.

"You have a ride home, right?"

"Yessir," she said, and gave him a little smile. "Go get 'em."

Frank blushed like always, but just half an hour later, he had a girl in his car, then his bed. She was gone in the morning.


It took Frank half an hour to shower, put clothes on, and get to the Waffle House, and as always, Mia was waiting on a bench outside for him. She had on her Sunday best—her usual baggy shirt and skirt combo. She scooped her hair up into a ponytail as she stood, and then they walked in.

As they were seated, Frank's heart stopped in his chest, and he felt his cheeks go red. Mia looked over, and as soon as she saw what Frank had too, she gave Frank a huge grin.

"Frankie, it's meant to be."

He rolled his eyes. "This is the closest Waffle House for an hour out. It's not even much of a coincidence."

Mia rolled her eyes. "You're such a buzzkill. You're not even gonna admit that he's cute?"

"He's not even your type," Frank dodged.

But Mia moved right with him. "We're not talking about me. He's almost exactly your type."

"He's too tall."

"Pish posh," she said, and Frank put his head in his hands. "You think he's cute."

"I—" he tried, but Mia knew him too well. He sighed. "Yeah, of course I do. How could I not?"

Mia just smiled and shrugged. "Look if you're not going to go over and ask for his number, I'll do it for you."

Frank's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Mia don't you dare."

"I will dare. If you don't have his number by the time we leave, I will."

"Okay," he muttered. "I'm gonna use the bathroom so I can get a break from forcing myself not to look at him."

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