fifty-nine ~ stuck (part two)

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"Hey," Frank smiled warmly as he sat down in front of Gerard with a mug of hot coffee in front of him.

Gerard returned the smile without realising and mumbled "hey" back, and then "how are you?"

Frank made himself comfortable and set down his coat and small bag. "I'm doing pretty well. How about you?"

Gerard shook his head. "I finally fucking got away from my family, so right now, I'm pretty okay. You being here makes it much better though."

Frank let himself blush and let out a small laugh as he surveyed the area. They were seated at a small table in the corner of their favourite coffee shop, which wasn't too crowded at the moment but was crowded enough to provide a low mumble that hung in the air and clouded the soft seventies music pouring out of the speakers situated in the corners of the room. It was Frank's favourite because it was easy to get work done as well as people watch, and the music was great, so he didn't have to have earbuds in constantly. It was Gerard's favourite because he always took inspiration from people in the coffee shop for new characters.

"I'm sorry they're so shitty," Frank offered and Gerard shrugged and took a sip of his coffee.

"It's alright. They're family, and they're all I have besides friends from school." He paused to look up at Frank again and challenge himself to not get lost in his eyes. It was difficult. "I just wish that they were more like your folks."

"What do you know about my folks?" Frank asked, taken aback a little, but his eyes didn't lose the little sparkle they had in them so Gerard told the truth.

"I have this class on the other side of the campus with a bunch of arseholes in it, and there was this one time I wasn't watching my back well enough and three or four of em jumped me after class," Gerard began and clasped his hands together on the table. "When they left, one of your boys helped me up and helped me get to the hospital. I was okay, but I dunno what woulda happened if he didn't."

Frank smiled at the taller boy and hesitantly placed a hand over Gerard's two on the table and squeezed. "Really?"

Gerard uncurled his hands in order to string his fingers through Frank's. "Yeah." He gestured to a long scar running up his jaw with his free hand. "Jersey boys know how to use a switchblade. But Iero boys are so nice."

"I wouldn't have done that for a random Way boy," Frank pointed out sullenly, and Gerard shrugged.

"Well someone from your family did," he whispered, smiling gratefully at the shorter boy in front of them. "So thank you for probably saving my life."

"What'd you tell your dad?"

"I didn't."

Frank looked shocked. "What? How did he not notice?"

Gerard shrugged. "He wasn't around for that bit and I just never got around to telling him. Plus if he found out your cousin drove me to the hospital while I was bleeding out from my neck, he'd try to kill them."

"My cousin?"

"Oh, shit, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone," Gerard breathed and his eyes widened with fear. "Fuck. Please don't... please don't tell anyone who it was."

"Your secret's safe with me, don't worry," Frank said, running a finger over the back of Gerard's hand. "I'll thank him for you."

"Thank you," Gerard whispered, squeezing Frank's hand. "How did we get on this topic? Jesus Christ."

Frank shrugged. "I was asking how you knew about my folks."

"Oh, right," Gerard said and righted himself in his chair. "I've also heard a lot about you guys, how you take people in, how you're super accepting of LGBT people, and I just... I have a lot of respect for that, especially because my parents aren't like that at all."

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