day 20 ~ shopping together

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i kind of already did this for day 19 and i didn't really feel like rewriting that kind of thing so i just kind of made a second part to day 19 if that's ok. 

The two boys stepped into Frank's car and threw their bags into the backseat (except Gerard placed the Barnes and Noble bag with the albums in it softly down on the seat). When they settled in and Gerard had picked out a David Bowie album from Frank's CD collection, they started driving. 

Gerard sang along softly to the music, and Frank's hand settled on his boyfriend's thigh, occasionally switching to the steering wheel or the clutch, but always coming to rest back on Gerard's thigh. 

When a new song started, Gerard laid his hand on top of Frank's. 

"Thanks for everything, darling. You don't know how much I appreciate it even though it's completely unnecessary."

Frank chuckled, lacing their fingers together momentarily, and then using both hands on the wheel. "I like buying you things, Gee."

He rested his hand back on Gerard's thigh and Gerard decided that since he would move it again, his own arm was better suited to stretch behind Frank's headrest. "I feel bad, and I just can't thank you enough, I hope you know how grateful I am, and how much you really didn't need to buy me shit..."

"Shut up about that. It's too late anyway. And I'm starting to feel like I like buying you things more than you like receiving them."

"No! I love buying things, it's just weird when my boyfriend who is a year younger than me is buying me things."

"It's my money and I get to spend it how I want. So you can kindly shut it about our age difference and stop rubbing it in that you're going to art school and I'm gonna be stuck missing you every single day of my life in that high school for another goddamn year."


"Stoooooppppp," Frank groaned comedically, and Gerard laughed along with him. 

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. I love you."

"I love you too," Frank smiled, glancing at Gerard to confirm this and then back at the road so he wouldn't get them killed before they hit their six-monthiversary. 


"Oh, come on, I wanna see it on you, jacket slut," Frank giggled, and Gerard groaned. 

"I'm gonna regret saying that, aren't I?"

"I bet you already do. But that's beside the point, I wanna see my boyfriennnd," Frank whined and Gerard grinned. 

"Okay! Okay, I'm just checking myself out is all," he called from the bathroom where he was putting on his new clothes for Frank to see. He walked out and into the bedroom and Frank squealed. 

"You look so hot, Gee!" He grinned, standing up to run his hands up the windbreaker's sleeves and then up to Gerard's face, pulling him in for a kiss. "I love that jacket on you. You have good taste," Frank bit his lip, and Gerard smiled. 

"Thanks, Frankie," Gerard said, running his own fingers up and down the fabric. 

"Mm, but I think the whole outfit would look much better on your floor, whaddya say?" Frank said with a cheeky wink. Gerard couldn't help the heat rising to his cheeks. 

"That's awfully nice, but I think I'd like to put my new clothes away, thanks," Gerard said, politely declining. 

"You bastard," Frank said, kissing Gerard again. "Put them away then. I like watching you undress anyways."

"You do?" Gerard said smugly, pulling off the windbreaker and hanging it in his closet. 

"Mhm. I think it's rather appealing, actually," Frank said, and he bit down hard on his lip as Gerard's arms made an 'x' shape across his chest, his hands gripping opposite sides of his shirt, pulling it up and off his head agonisingly slowly. Frank drank up the sight, then realising he was still wearing his hoodie and shirt, he tore them off, watching Gerard folding the new shirt up and placing it among unfolded and crumpled band shirts. 

Gerard sat down next to Frank on the bed and pulled the smaller boy closer to him. "So, before we do anything, tell me about the bullies. How bad does it get?"

Frank shrugged, laying his head on Gerard's chest. "It used to be worse. It was bad when the rumour went out about me being gay. One of them asked me about it and I didn't deny it. They would beat me up a lot, but only where people couldn't see the bruises, and to be honest, I thought that I deserved it for being gay. Then, when I started dating you, I figured it'd get worse. They haven't beaten me up for a few weeks but the name-calling is really the worst part. You see, I realised I didn't deserve to get beat up for being gay, and the minute that I stood up for myself they kind of stopped doing it as much... That was right after you and I started dating. Um... yeah, but they still do it from time to time. It's okay, though."

"Frankie, why didn't you tell me?"

"I... I didn't want to worry you. Plus, it's gotten better and more infrequent, so it's okay. I can take it."

"But you shouldn't have to," he said, picking up Frank's chin and turning him to face him. Frank met Gerard's gaze, shaking his head slightly. 

"It's fine, Gerard, really. What you did may have made them angry today, but it showed them you aren't weak, so it'll probably happen less now."

Gerard shrugged. "Or it might happen more. Fuck. What if I'm responsible for that? What're you going to do next year?"

"Well," Frank said, "Most of them are in your year, and I have my best friend Mikey Way, who you may know from school."

Gerard chuckled. "Yeah, my brother's a good one. I'm glad you two are friends."

"Me too," Frank said, tracing circles across Gerard's chest. "Now, I think I had promised to fuck you earlier."

Gerard felt his face heating up again as Frank moved to straddle him, laying a gentle kiss on his lips, then letting his teeth and tongue trial down Gerard's neck. Freddie Krueger and his gang were going to have a lot to make fun of the next day when Frank and Gerard were finished biting and sucking at each other. But for now, it had only just begun. 

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