day 24 ~ dealing with children

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hah you fucking thought it was their kids. you know i'm the king of loopholes

"Baby, all of our fans are like twelve," I said, slumping my sweaty arse into a sofa chair in Ray and Mikey's hotel room after the show and wiping my brow again with my already-soaked-through sweatband.

"Nah, not all of them," Gerard replied, crashing on the other sofa chair next to me, while Mikey and Ray followed behind us. Ray pulled Mikey down into his lap on the bed, and the latter gratefully laid his head on Ray's shoulder, his legs curling up to lay themselves across Ray's lap.

"You realise," Ray said, "that all of our eighteen plus shows sell out too. Like energy isn't very different."

I shrugged. "Yeah, but it's weird sometimes. Like, playing songs with words in them that some of the kids shouldn't be using yet..."

I looked at Gerard and he shrugged. "Their parents let them come and see us. I don't see the problem. Plus, it's not like they're bad kids. The all-age shows are really good too."

"Yeah, actually I like them more," Mikey mumbled darkly and Gerard raised an eyebrow.


Mikey looked away and I rolled my eyes, answering for him. "It's because you don't moan as much."

"I can most certainly change that if you want me to, baby," he said, reaching over and stroking hair off my sweaty face.

I grinned, taking his hand and tangling our fingers together. "Mikes wouldn't be very happy with that though, and I value our friendship too much to backstab him like that, so no, I'd appreciate it if you kept it where you are."

Gerard simply smiled, squeezing our hands. "Yeah, but it wouldn't be you backstabbing him if I moan louder. Plus..." he said, biting his lip. "You know you like it."

I felt the familiar twist in my stomach and heat rush to my sweaty cheeks, but I shrugged. "I have other ways of hearing you moan."

Mikey groaned and Ray laughed from the couch and I turned to look at them, grinning. "What?"

"Don't... say that," Mikey cringed, but Ray rolled his eyes.

"Nah, keep it up, it's funny," the fro shook with Ray's head in its own form of disagreement.

As Mikey pretended to look offended and smack Ray, I turned to Gerard who seemed to be lost in his own world. Noticing that Ray and Mikey seemed to have started a quiet conversation, I reached out, stroking my boyfriend's cheek, snapping him out of his trance.

"What're you thinking about, baby?" I asked, smiling at the glint in his eyes.

He leant over, slowly and dramatically, so he was leaning over the space between the chairs and his mouth cheek was pressed to mine, mouth hovering over my ear. "What I'm going to do to you tonight."

The whisper sent shivers down my spine and made my stomach twist farther, but I couldn't help giggling. "You're a bottom, Gee."

"Not tonight, love," he growled, and I closed my eyes, crossing my legs and gripping his hand tighter. It'd been a while since I'd bottomed. I hadn't since high school, because that's when I met Jamia, and she's a bottom like 97% of the time, and when we broke up, I wasn't surprised to find that Gerard was a bottom either.

His fingernails dug into the back of my hand, and I gasped under my breath. "Not tonight," he repeated, and I nodded.

"I need you, Gee," I whispered, and earned a smile. "Can we leave?"

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