sixty-two ~ you just left

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"I love you like the fish love the sea," Gerard whispered as he tucked a strand of Frank's ebony hair behind his ear. The window was open and a warm summer breeze filtered through the gauzy black curtains. The skylight was open and the moon shone in, creating the only source of light in the room. The stars twinkled far behind it, but they didn't make a difference. The moon was close and bright that evening.

"I love you," Frank murmured into Gerard's chest, "like the stars love the moon. You outshine me, but I'll always be there with you whether you can see me or not."

Gerard pressed a kiss to the top of Frank's neck and giggled when he felt Frank's own on his neck. He pulled the shorter further into his chest and revelled in the way their bodies fit together perfectly; Frank's head nestled in the crook of Gerard's neck and their legs tangled, their arms wrapped securely around each other's necks.

"Why don't you think you shine as brightly as I do?" Gerard asked gently after the silence. Realising what it sounded like he squeezed Frank for a moment and then added, "because you obviously do."

"Well, I... I don't know. I feel like I'm not good enough for you constantly. I'm not... I'm not like other boys."

"You're starting to sound like an incel," Gerard nudged playfully and Frank shoved his face further into Gerard's neck.

"Not like that, babe," he chuckled but when their moods dampened again, he continued. "I'm not... I'm not cis, for one. I haven't gotten top surgery yet, and I don't have a dick yet, and I look and sound like a girl and—"

"No, no you don't. You look and sound like a guy to me, baby, you know that already. Just because some random person on the street doesn't think so doesn't make their opinion any more true or valid than mine."

"I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying that's how I feel about myself," Frank whispered, pushing back steadily rising emotion. Gerard pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. Go on if you want to," he mumbled.

"It's okay. That's basically it. You could have any guy you wanted but you chose someone you knew didn't have guy parts or looked like a guy. So thank you for seeing more in me than parts, but also because of that I don't feel good enough, or like I'm giving you what you want or what you need," he finished and sighed.

"You're giving me more than I could have ever dreamed of asking for," Gerard said quietly and his hand began moving back and forth slowly on Frank's arm, soothing him and effectively tucking him into his shoulder again.

Frank hummed. "Are you sure?"

"Positive, baby, I promise," he spoke into Frank's hair. "And for the record, I think you look and sound very masculine. Besides, I like you for more than what you look like. Although you're probably one of the, if not the most attractive human on Earth."

"Good one," Frank snorted but pulled away to bring his lips to Gerard's for a moment anyway. "I think the same about you, for the record," he mumbled and then pulled him into another kiss, and this one lasted for much longer.

When they pulled apart, Frank sighed and checked the time. "Shouldn't you get back home? Your parents are expecting you aren't they?"

"They texted me saying they went to bed and to not be too late an hour ago. I can leave whenever."

"Okay, stay a little longer then?"

"Of course," Gerard grinned and then he was on top of Frank, pressing their lips together feverishly. Their lips moved together, and Frank's tongue soon slipped into his mouth. Gerard laid kisses down Frank's throat and stopped at his collarbones to pull his shirt back a little bit and bite down. As he worked on the hickey, Frank's breathing became rapid and he let out a little squeak. Gerard grinned and kissed back up his neck just to be pulled up into Frank's lips again, their tongues battling for dominance.

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