forty ~ homecoming (part two)

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Frank felt his hands shaking as he raised the hand that wasn't holding flowers to knock on the Way family's door. He begged fate that Gee would answer, but alas, she didn't do such a thing, and it was her mother instead.

"Frank!" she grinned, ushering him inside. "You know how long it takes Gee to get ready, but she's almost done. Mikey's already gone to Pete's, but Gee should be coming down at some point."

Frank smiled back. "It's great to see you, Mrs Way. Thank you for letting me take Gee to homecoming."

"I couldn't stop her if I tried," she waved it off. "But I'm happy because she's happy."

"Me too," Frank said. "Oh, I'm so rude, these are for you," he held out the flowers to Mrs Way. "Last time I was here I noticed you liked tulips, and I thought you'd like them."

"Oh, how sweet of you," she said, rushing off to put them in a jar. When she returned, she slapped her head. "Oh, god. GEE! FRANK IS HERE!"

"Thanks!" Gee's voice sounded down the stairs. "I'm coming in a second!"

"Would you like something to drink, sweetheart?" Donna Way asked, and Frank shook his head.

"No, but thank you."

"Alright, well, I'd just like to say that she's gonna love what you're wearing. She has a soft spot for guys that dress like you," Donna smirked. "You two make a lovely pair."

"Thank you," Frank said, glancing down at himself. He had on his black leather jacket and tight black dress pants. He had a red dress shirt on, and the first few buttons were undone, showing off his pale chest and his thin silver chain. He'd changed his black lip piercing out for a silver one, and his nose piercing also stayed silver, and he had tiny silver hoops in his ears too. His eyes were smothered in red eyeshadow rather than his usual black, but his waterlines were still smeared with black.

Frank fidgeted with the hem of his leather jacket, but as soon as he heard steps on the top of the stairs both he and Mrs Way looked up at Gee.

She wore a red, lacy longsleeved top, a short black leather skirt that instead of clinging to her legs like normal, hung a little loosely, flaring at the ends. She had on black lipstick and red eyeshadow to match her red hair and wore dangly skeleton earrings that swayed and jingled slightly when they moved, their bones swinging and clashing. But the best part of it all was the smirk that completed the outfit, and Frank felt his heart thumping and his knees going weak when he saw his girlfriend.

"Hey, Gee," he hummed when she grinned at him. "You look incredible."

"You do too. I think the colour coordination worked out perfectly."

"You guys look like a pair of depressed vampires. At least my other kid looks normal," Donna sighed softly, and she took their arms, leading them outside. "Photo time. I promise I won't take long. Frank, I promised your parents photos, so you guys better pose."

It only took a few minutes for Donna to take her photos, but as soon as she was finished, she walked them to Frank's car, telling them to have fun.

"Oh, and also," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Mikey is staying over at Pete with a few other friends tonight, and my husband and I are going to visit some family this weekend, so you two have the house to yourselves tonight. Gee, there's a gift for you two on the bed. I know you're going to do things" she looked at them pointedly, making them both blush and avoid eye contact. "All I ask is that you're being safe and consensual. Also, please stay off my sofas."

Both Gee and Frank snickered at this, but Frank regained his composure quickly.

"I can promise to do everything that you've asked and more, Mrs Way. I hope you have fun with your family this weekend."

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