sixty-five ~ in cold blood

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Murders never really happen at the heart of a city, but this one took place in more than one.

Okay, so maybe they do happen in the heart of cities, but not on Friday nights when everyone is out after a long day at work, and all the bars are crowded and all the shows are booked, and all the people are out and about. No, usually, they're taken care of quickly and carefully if they're in cold blood, and this usually means in a place no one will hear or see or even think to be.

But that's not how Frank Iero killed that night. No, everyone saw him do it, but no one even batted an eye or whispered to their friend. It was as if things were normal, outrageously so, and that's because Frank had planned it that way. It had taken him over a month to perfect the crime, to find an excuse to lure in his victim and kill him effortlessly, unnoticed by all, but seen by all. And the time spent wasn't wasted it was very well spent because everything was flawless. Everything was perfect, down to the minute that it happened.


Gerard Way wasn't the sort of guy who liked parties—it was his brother that had managed to drag him to this one, and the minute he walked in, he knew he didn't want to be there. So, he departed from his brother and sat down in one of the sofa chairs that was pushed to the corner to make way for the house party, and tried to ignore the couple that was making out on the chair five feet away from him.

He struggled to cross his legs in his tight black skinny jeans and gave up shortly after the couple moved away. Sighing, he took out his phone and texted Frank.

G: You're at Melissa's house party right?

F: Almost there baby. I'll tell you when Jamia and I get there. Where are you?

G: Living room corner in a sofa chair. This party is boring. They don't even have good music.

F: We're five away don't worry. You excited for tonight?

G: Maybe ;)

Maybe didn't even cover it, Gerard thought, as he texted "see you soon" back at Frank. This was the most exciting day of his life, and the nerves that had preceded the party were intense, taking over his mind for the whole day. But he knew what he was doing was right.

He got up and got himself a bottle of coke from the small kitchen where a drinking game was taking place, then found his way back to the sofa chair, where lo and behold, Frank Iero was sitting, looking up at him.

"You said you'd be on this chair," Frank pointed out with a smile, and Gerard sat on it with him, legs tucked over Frank's to accommodate the both of them.

"I was getting a coke."

"Wanna share?" Frank asked, and brushed his stark black hair out of his face.

"Sure. I can't drink this all myself," Gerard said, and took the first sip, then handed it to Frank.

Frank thanked him and smiled before he took a swig, and then handed it back. The way his eyes glistened, all dark, almost reddish told Gerard exactly what he was about to say.

"Tonight's the big night, Gee."

Gerard nodded and took another sip of his drink. "I can't wait."

"To be in pain for a day? Alright, weirdo. You know it's a really serious decision to make right? You've been thinking about this and talking to me about it for a year now, right?"

"Uh, yeah. It feels like it's been longer than that. Frank can we just get it over with?"

"Wait. We have to wait or else it looks super suspicious," he said, and Gerard nodded, agreeing.

"Not enough people here yet?"

"Precisely. Everyone comes late to parties nowadays."

"You came an hour late."

"And you came forty-five minutes late."

"Whatever," Gerard replied and finished his coke.

Frank raised an eyebrow. "No alcohol?"

When Gerard's cheeks went red, Frank dragged him to the kitchen where people were mixing drinks already. Frank and Gerard went plain, just grabbed beers, and by the time they were back at the sofa chairs, they were already taken, so they leant against a wall, watching more and more people packing into the house. By making small talk, another half hour had passed, and the room was packed nearly as tightly as sardines in a can, and that was when Frank dragged Gerard into the middle of the room where everyone was dancing to some obnoxious song the host had put into the playlist.

"Dance with me, baby," Frank whispered into Gerard's ear, and Gerard grinned, melting into Frank's arms and moving their bodies together.

Soon enough, much like a lot of the other people in the tight room, they were making out, lips dancing, bodies moving to the music, hands under each other's shirts, on each other's hips. Gerard's breath hitched when he felt Frank's lips trail down his neck, and he tensed a little, easing when Frank's hands squeezed his waist.

It was happening.

It was painful at first, and Gerard grinned at the thought of his body dying, but this didn't stop his sharp inhale and the stutter of his hips against Frank's. Expecting this, Frank caught him in his fall and picked him up, leading him to one of the bedrooms through the crowd of people giving them suggestive glances.

The pain turned to immediate pleasure as soon as Gerard felt his feet hit the floor and he pushed Frank against the wall next to the door to one of the host's rooms. Frank gasped too, and let Gerard grind their hips together while their lips and tongues and teeth clashed. Soon, however, Gerard felt weak, as though someone had punched him in the gut, and he looked at Frank, understanding.

"Let's get you home, love."

"No, stay with me, please?"

"Alright, I'll just text Jamia what's happening and I'll run you to my house where you can sleep, alright?"

Gerard nodded, not hearing half of the sentence, but trusting Frank anyways. Years of dating hadn't let him down yet, and he had a suspicion that it wasn't going to let him down then. Gerard let Frank lead him to the door, and then got on Frank's back as he whizzed through the city, unnoticed by the passerby.


Gerard opened his eyes and cringed at the soreness of his entire body. "Frankie?" he croaked, and heard Frank sit up next to him in bed.

"Yes, darling? You fell asleep at that party a couple nights ago, it's about time you woke up."

"I... yeah... I did," Gerard mumbled. "How hard did we fuck? My whole body's aching."

"Gerard, you've gotta be kidding me. What do you smell, feel, see, right now?"

Gerard inhaled and smiled. "Mm, yeah I forgot," he mumbled, and stretched, cuddling up to Frank's shoulder when he relaxed. "Thanks for turning me, babe."

Frank hummed and pressed a kiss to Gerard's forehead. "Yeah, of course, love. I'm glad I did. You're, well, you're the love of my life."

"You're the love of my life too, Frank," Gerard murmured into Frank's shoulder, making him giggle. "I'm really sore."

"It's just for the first couple days, don't worry."

Gerard inhaled and marvelled the the complexity of how Frank smelt, looked up at him, revelling in the way his eyes sparkled. He pressed his lips to Frank's quickly and smoothly, pulling him onto him so that Frank was on top of him, holding his cheek in one hand.

"I love you," Frank whispered, and Gerard grinned at the way it whistled softly in his ears and sent shivers down his spine.

"I love you," Gerard replied and pulled Frank in for another kiss, this one more desperate, pleading, lustful, and he wasn't surprised when he felt Frank's hips rocking into his gently, slowly, smoothly, not stopping when Gerard's lips parted and his breath became uneven.

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