forty-one ~ surprises (homecoming part three)

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"Gee, baby we have to go," Frank said, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist as she smudged the black eyeshadow onto her eyes.

"I have three minutes," she argued, and Frank rolled his eyes, kissing her cheek.

"Yes, that you do, I suppose" he purred and she smiled.

"By the way," she said, tying a thin choker around her neck. "You look sexy as shit."

"Oh, darling you look even better though," Frank purred, hands running up and down her sides slowly.

"Frankie, we can fuck when we get home, I promise," she said, and Frank realised what he was doing.

"Shit I didn't mean to—" he started, and then blushed. "Besides I don't wanna fuck you."

"That's hard to believe."

"I wanna make love to you, because I love you, and this is our two year anniversary," Frank mumbled, kissing the base of Gee's neck chastely.

"Alright," she laughed sweetly. "But until tonight, you keep it innocent right?"

"Of course, baby," Frank said.

"I love you," Gee murmured and Frank said it back right away. A couple of seconds later, Gee stood up from her vanity. "Let's go."

It was a cool October night, and the couple was going to Jamia's house. It wasn't Jamia's birthday quite yet, but it was the only time they could celebrate it because of their hectic college schedules.

As the two walked out of the dorm hand in hand, Frank couldn't help but to subtly check Gee out. She'd been taking estrogen for the past year and a half and he could already see differences. For one, she was developing breasts, and they were small, but Frank loved every bit of her, so he didn't really care what size she was. However, she was accentuating this with what she was wearing. On the top, she wore a leather jacket over lace long sleeve top much like the one she'd worn to her junior prom, save for the fact that this one was far less fancy and more punk, and it was black. Under it, she wore a--simple but sexy, as Frank called it--bralette. She wore a very short black skirt, and although it wasn't leather, it still helped accentuate her hips in the way that it flared out dramatically at the ends. Under the skirt, she wore fishnets and platform doc martens.

Furthermore, because of the estrogen, her face had become a bit more soft and feminine, although, again, Frank thought that with and without the estrogen she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

So basically, Frank had to keep his eyes off her if he wanted to last the night without drooling.

He was wearing tight skinny jeans that she loved and his favourite Smashing Pumpkins shirt which was slightly torn at the top, showing off the first few inches of his chest, which was currently covered in fading hickeys.

I mean, it wasn't as if Gee's hickeys didn't peek out from under the neck of her lace shirt too.

The two walked hand in hand to Jamia's apartment and ascended until they got to the roof. There, they were met with a squealing Jamia and a very excited looking Ray and Mikey. They all sat on the beanbags that were stationed around the top of the building. Unfortunately, there were only four, so Gee and Frank shared, but neither of them minded one bit. Gee sat on Frank's lap and Frank's arms wrapped around her protectively just how she liked it. Besides, it was a little cold and Frank's chest was conveniently warm.

"So, uh," Ray began as they all began eating the pasta that they had made. "Me and Mikey have something to tell you."

Jamia looked shocked. "Oh my god! You got Mikey pregnant?!"

Mikey looked at her completely and utterly bewildered and Gee laughed in Frank's arms. Ray just rolled his eyes.

"No, but we just started dating a couple days ago," he said, and Mikey smiled shyly at him, linking their hands together over the beanbags.

"That's so cute!" Frank said, tightening his grip around Gee's waist in excitement.

"That's pretty cute, yeah," Jamia said, crossing her legs in her lap and eating more pasta. "Any input, Gee?"

"Just don't let it show when you guys have fucked, and I'm good."

"That's not fair," Mikey whined. "You constantly have hickeys."

"Not my fault," she giggled.

"Yeah, okay, but so does Frank."

"Not my fault," Frank joined in, and he and Gee laughed with each other. Frank kissed her cheek.

"I have to put up with the two of them doing this and then telling me not to have hickeys," Mikey grumbled, and Ray stroked his hand.

"That's okay, babe. You don't have to do anything Gee tells you."

"True. It's a free fucking country, woman!" he yelled at Gee and they all burst into a fit of laughter.

Eventually, the night grew long and Jamia told them to scram, so they all made their way down to the first floor and onto the street. They all hugged and Ray drove Mikey home, so Frank and Gee were all alone to walk home.

Frank took Gee's hand and they began the short walk to their apartment together.

"Hey girl!" someone called from the other side of the street and Frank's grip on Gee's hand tightened. "How much can I pay you for your pussy, cause the rest of you looks pretty sweet!"

Frank let go of her hand and pulled her into his other side in the dim light, switching sides of the street with her and doing his best to ignore the man across the street.

"OH!" he called. "I'm sorry, didn't know you already had a man!"

It didn't matter, Frank thought, you still shouldn't be yelling shit like that at young beautiful girls late at night.

"Fucking arsehole," he muttered under his breath, and he felt Gee leaning into his side, shoving her hand into her jacket.

When they got home safely, she pouted. "I knew I shouldn't have worn something like this."

Frank shook his head. "In no way is this your fault."

"I know," she sighed. "But still, if I can prevent it, why don't I?"

"Because you can't. You could be wearing sweats and people would still catcall you because you're sexy in anything."

"No, you just think that because you're hopelessly in love with me," Gee snickered.

"Well, I guess there's that," Frank said, blushing. "But still, you should wear what you want. Don't let arseholes like him dictate what you wear."

"Okay," she nodded. "You're right."

"Besides, I love what you have on right now, it's really... uh... really nice."

"You don't really want it on me anymore, do you," she snickered again, pulling him towards their bedroom when they'd taken their shoes off. "Come on, I know you wanna fuck me."

"I--" Frank began, but when Gee's lips silenced him, he didn't fight it. She knew what he wanted and he knew what she wanted.

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