eighty-one ~ fucking in a pickup truck

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God, I fucking hated myself for liking... him? Them? I wasn't sure, but all I was sure of was that Gerard was the most annoying kid I'd ever seen. We'd been going to school together since we were nine, and it seemed as though graduation wasn't close enough; and then on the announcements this morning, I heard that Gerard had committed to the same college I committed to.

I hated that kid.

"Hey, Gerard?" I heard a soft voice ask from beside him. "What are your pronouns?"

"Still a boy," he said, and I'm glad our classmate had asked, because I didn't want to, but I was genuinely wondering. "He and him," he finished, and she thanked him quietly right as the bell rang and the teacher walked into class. 

It took this teacher around half the class to get through attendance and to talk about his weekend, so I had time to wallow in my hatred for Gerard. His hair framed his cheeks perfectly, a little long, and bright red, and his hazel eyes complemented it so well. He always wore skinny jeans or skirts that were wildly out of dress code, and the massive hoodies and sweaters he wore made me think he had a hunk of a boyfriend, but he'd been single for years.

Don't get me wrong, he was hot as fuck, but that's where part of my hatred for him even came from. He was way too fucking cute to be as annoying as he was. I played with my lip piercing as I zoned out on the side of his face. He was listening to whatever bullshit the teacher was saying, and his cute little laugh wouldn't go away, and every moment that my heart jumped at his voice, I gained a little more hatred for him.

He'd come out, and everyone accepted it right away. His family, friends, even the admin didn't care. It wasn't as if he had to come out for everyone to know he was queer, but no one gave a shit. He was friends with all the popular girls, and they all loved having him as their gay best friend, so he was excused from all the drama that surrounded the whole ritual of coming out.

I was also jealous because he had the choice; I was outed. There happened to be another kid from my school at a Rutgers college party, and the kid saw me making out with a guy, and bam, that Monday, when we all came back to school, only Ray, Bob, and Jamia still talked to me; the rest of the school seemed to form a bubble of avoidance around me.

The administration hadn't noticed, and I didn't feel like bringing it up, so I just lived with it. In the few months since it'd happened, I didn't gain any friends back, but it had calmed down a little bit. I knew it would never be back to normal, but this was better than nothing.

Gerard turned to look at me. "Frank, you're also going to SVA, right?"

I nodded and gave him a look. "Why?"

"We should request to room together," he said innocently, and then smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll humour you. Why should we fucking room together?"

His pretty little lips twisted up. "So I can hear all the dick you're not getting."

He said it so quietly that nobody else heard, and that almost stung more. What's worse than no one laughing at someone making fun of you? The person knowing that they don't need an audience to embarrass you. That's what.

I sighed and opened my notebook. "Fuck off, Way."

He giggled and leaned across the aisle to me. "Did you mean 'fuck me?' or are you just that bad at asking people out."

I squinted at him. "You've lost your mind, Gerard."

"I see that you lost yours long ago, Frank."

"Be more original. You usually have better insults," I challenged him, and tried not to smile. We both knew we secretly loved this rivalry. Me hating him for having been accepted quicker, and him hating me for being such a loser. I couldn't figure out why else he'd hate me.

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