thirty-eight ~ caught in the crossfire (part two)

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"What do you want, Nestor?" Gerard yelled across the alley, walking in with Mikey, Ray, Bob and Lindsey-- the last of which looking pointedly away from Jamia.

While Gerard was the most feared man in New Jersey, Jamia Nestor was definitely the most feared woman. Great-great-granddaughter of Simone Badami--the originator of the DeCavalcante mafia family--and daughter of Tony Soprano, she was next in line to being the leader of the other mafia family in New Jersey. She'd taken her husband's last name, but only after he'd died.

"I want the pretty boy."

Gerard remained silent. He knew exactly who she was talking about, but he didn't think she'd figured out who Frank really was yet. Gerard had spent hours upon hours in his father's office searching for Frank Iero's name. Frank was Jamia's long-lost cousin, and she wanted him back. She wanted him for a part of her forces. She'd told him all of this over the phone, and then where to meet him the next day, and he didn't have any other choice to agree.

He too hadn't realised who Frank Iero truly was until Lindsey had told him his name a year ago in the art class the two of them were taking. And until a few months ago, he hadn't realised that Frank Iero was oblivious to the mess he was tangled in. But it didn't matter.

He was supposed to hate the tattooed boy, but as soon as he knew he was falling for him, he knew he had to do everything he could to keep the 'pretty boy' safe.

"I don't have him."

"I'll bet you ten grand that you have him tied up in some basement somewhere," she scoffed, and Gerard raised an eyebrow.

"Ten grand? I'm in."

"I was joking, scumbag," she raised an eyebrow. "But for being smart with me, I'll add another to my list. I want Frank Iero, and I want Lindsey Ballato. Give me the both of them and you'll have the peace between us that you've been fighting to get since your father died in the most pathetic way possible."

"Keep my father out of this, Nestor," Gerard growled, and she shrugged.

"It makes me upset too."

"Oh, does it now," he humoured her, knowing exactly why. But he wanted to hear her say it, and then wanted her to be let down by his lack of reaction. Even the few people she had around her tensed up.

"Yeah, makes me sad I couldn't have been the one that crashed the goddamn car."

Ray, Mikey, and Bob began to move as Gerard growled in annoyance, but he held up his hand.

"Hold yourself back, guys. You want peace too? You're not gonna get it by fighting."

They all stiffened behind him, and so did Jamia's men, but she just raised an eyebrow. "Damn, you're really messed up," she commented. "You don't even wanna fight me, Jamia Nestor."

"No. I don't want to fight. I just want to come to an agreement. And I'm not letting you have my best woman or Frank Iero."

"Neither of them belong to you."

"No, but Lindsey is on my side, and Frank, well, we can just say that he's nowhere near yours either," Gerard smirked and heard Lindsey snicker. He stole a glance to his side to confirm the fact that she was smirking as well.

"I think Lindsey can speak for her--"

"I'm on his side, Nestor," she scoffed, pressing her hand to her hip. "I'd rather die than fight for chaos rather than peace."

Jamia shrugged. "Fine, Lindsey. Stay on your side. But I think Frank can speak for himself too. He doesn't know he's my cousin. He doesn't even know his own parents. I think he'd cling onto the only family he knows about, what about you?"

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