forty-seven ~ the dare

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"Oh my god, oh my god, Mikey!" Pete grinned at Mikey, motioning for him to lean closer so he could whisper in his ear. I leaned in too, grinning.

"Okay, Mikey, Frank," Pete whispered, looking across the cafeteria at a brown afro. "Mikey, I dare you to fuck the Fro."

"Bruh, he's so cute, I couldn't do that to him," Mikey whined, leaning away. "That's cruel."

"You have to."

I grinned and nodded. "C'mon Mikey. You can do it. There are no rules against calling people back after you fuck 'em. You just can't stay after."

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Why the fuck did we make that rule?"

"Because," Pete reminded him with a sly glance at Patrick who was sitting a few tables over. "Because that's the painful part. You have to fuck 'em and leave. That's the point of the game."

"Yeah, Mikey, you like him or something?" I teased and Mikey shoved me.


"Yeah you do, Pete isn't he head over heels for Ray?" I snickered, making Mikey's face go a shade of red he only went when he talked about Ray.

"Oh yeah, that's why I dared him to fuck him," Pete grinned and Mikey shoved him too. "But it's okay, Mikey, I guess you can call him back or some shit."

"I don't think that should be allowed," I bit back, grinning evilly at Mikey.

"Oh my god," Mikey said, grinning back, and looking straight at me with his terribly cold eyes. "Frank, you want one?"

Internally, I was freaking out. Had he learned about my feelings for, well, his brother like me and Pete had found out his about Ray? I felt my heart beating heavily in my chest, but I let my lips twist up into a grin.

Externally, I was cool as a cucumber. Even better, I was smug as hell.

"Do your worst, Way."

Pete glanced at him nervously. "You sure, Mikes? Wouldn't it be weird?"

Mikey just brushed him off, waving his hand to signify his indifference. "Fuck my brother. I dare you to fuck Gerard Way."

"Mikey, what the fuck!" My tone was raised and my eyebrows were furrowed, but I knew he'd found out about my secret. "That's so weird for you to say. Besides, he knows about what we do! It's not like I can just go up to him and say 'hey can we have a one night stand and then pretend like it never happened?'"

"Yeah, you can."

"No, I can't," I insisted.

"Why not?" Mikey challenged, his smirk never dropping as he crossed his arms.

"Because he's in love!" Pete mocked, grinning at me from across the lunch table.

"I am not in love with Mikey's fucking brother," I grumbled. "Love is very different than considering someone as your sexual partner."

"Aw, just a sexual partner? I would have thought you were an awfully cuddly person, Frankie," Pete mocked, grinning at me. "So, Mikey has to fuck Ray and you have to fuck Gerard. And this is all by next Monday, right?"

I nodded. "And, you, Pete..." I glanced at Mikey. "Who should Pete have to fuck?"

"Do I have to this month? I really don't feel like it," he complained.

"That defeats the whole purpose of the game," Mikey said. "It's a race to see who can fuck someone and leave first."

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Who do you want me to fuck?"

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