day 15 ~ teaching each other how to do something

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"Frank, I need help because I'm a fucking failure!"

I climbed the stairs and went to our room where Gerard was sitting on the bed holding a guitar and looking down at a notebook that was placed on the bed in front of him, a pencil set down where the binding came together.

"You're not a failure, babe, what's wrong?"

"I can't play this chord, I think my hands are too small, and there's two barres in the fucking chord. Why does Ray write stuff that's so hard?"

"Because Ray's a prick and he's an incredible guitarist. Lemme play it for you, and you can sing."

"But I wanna learn. I wanna not be a failure. Can you teach me?"

"You're not a failure, and yes, I can teach you. Your hand position is all messed up that's why it's that difficult. Don't look at what he wrote down that's too hard."

I sat down behind him and wrapped my arms around him, placing his fingers down on the frets how they should be and simplifying the chord for him to play, wincing when the strings buzzed.

"Press down harder."

"That's what she said," he muttered and did as I said, strumming lightly again and sighing when the strings didn't buzz.

"You got it?"

"Mhm. That's so much better thank you," he murmured and turned around, kissing me. I smiled when he did so, moving my lips softly with his.

"You want me to leave you here so you can learn the song? Or do you wanna jam for a bit? I can solo Ray's part."

"Sure," he said, smiling and I got my guitar, joining him on the bed.

"You got the chord now, right?"

"Mhm, the progression isn't that hard either."


He strummed through the progression, wincing when the strings buzzed on the new chord. Then he did it again, and this time they didn't buzz. "Ready," he smiled, and I nodded, starting to play the introduction. Soon enough, he joined in with me and began singing, his beautiful voice filling the room.

"Where, where will we stand when all the lights go out across city streets? Where were you when all of the embers fell, I still remember there covered in ash, covered in glass, covered in all my friends I still, think of the bombs they built..."

When I faded out with the last chord, he glanced up at me, grinning and put his guitar down.

"Thanks, Frankie," he said, and I smiled back.

"Anytime, Gee."

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