seventy-eight ~ unprofessional relationships (part 1)

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It wasn't too much to remember, someone's name, however, Frank couldn't remember his last date's name for the life of him. The twenty-three-year-old tattoer was at a friend's party, and Ray was lecturing him yet again on how he was too uptight, and how he needed to "let his hair down, and enjoy his life."

"That's literally why I'm here right now, dude."

"I dragged you here."

"Because I was finishing a piece I was working on," Frank grumbled. "My client really wanted to see their design." 

Ray hummed, but his eyebrows were still raised. "There's more to life than coffee shops, Frankie."

"That's why I was drawing the design on my kitchen counter."

"You know what I mean."

Frank nodded and admitted that he could be a little less obsessive, but he'd had an influx of clients lately. He was gaining more traction, and the tattoo shop was getting more clients in general, even their piercer, Jamia was doing piercings back to back, only getting rest while she was cleaning the area in between. 

Ray understood, but he still insisted, "that shouldn't stop you from letting loose and having a little fun."

"You're right, I do stop myself from having fun. I'm trying, Ray." 

"See? Anyways, what's the guy's name? I'm dying to know."

"I forget, but he was seriously amazing in bed," Frank said, cheeks burning.

"Who was good in bed?" a voice from behind Frank sounded. It was deep and breathy, and Frank knew he was in trouble as soon as he heard it. 

"There you are!" he said, rubbing his neck and feeling his face light on fire. The name just wasn't coming to him. "Sit down, this is my best friend, Ray. He's been asking about you." 

"Hey, it's nice to meet you," he said with his charming frat-boy smile, and Ray managed not to cringe too hard as they shook hands. 

"Great to meet you too," Ray said. "I've heard a lot about you." 

"Oh yeah? We've only been on two dates, so I'm pretty flattered," Brodi said, and then leant into the circle they'd formed. "Do you mind if I steal him away for a few minutes?" 

Frank's eyes widened in fear, and Ray smiled at Frank reassuringly. "Go ahead, just bring him back in one piece." 

"No problem," Brodi said with a laugh, and then tilted his head at Frank, gesturing for him to follow him. Frank got up nervously and felt his phone buzz in his pocket as soon as they were a few feet away from Ray. He glanced at it and sighed in relief when he saw that Ray had texted him. 

Ray: I'm going to follow behind you guys in case something happens. I promise I won't eavesdrop.

Frank didn't have the time to reply, so he shoved his phone into his pocket as he and Brodi leant against a far wall where no one was really crowding, and Frank noticed Ray's hair a few layers deep in the crowd around the chilling alcohol in the kitchen nearby. 

"Frank you didn't remember my name," Brodi sighed. Frank bit his lip. 

"I'm sorry, dog, really. I'm overworking myself, and I want to be with someone, but I guess it just isn't my number one priority."

"If it makes you feel better, I'm not offended. I just don't want to go forward with us, I think. Love will be your number one priority when you find the right person to love, and I don't mind being the wrong person. There's plenty of fish in the sea."

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