sixty-seven ~ one way or another

157 11 7

It'd been a long time since anything this exciting happened in Frank's life. I mean, he'd been through ups and downs, skated almost every other day with his friends in all of his high school career so far, but up until the day he turned 18, his life was just like any other ordinary punks'.

"Yo Frankie, can you play the riff with pinch harmonics when it gets to the high part?" Mikey had asked, tuning his bass down for the song. "I tried it and I thought it sounded good."

Frank stepped on his volume pedal and turned on his DS-2 and nodded. He played the riff all the way through, looking up at Mikey, and he pointed when he wanted him to try the harmonics.

"Lemme give it a try," he said. He chugged through the main riff, and when he got to the higher part, he flicked his pick a little bit and hit his thumb to the string, making the vibrating strings squeal through his amp. Grinning at the improvement, he nodded, biting his lip and then looking at Mikey when he was done.

"Yeah, exactly like that," he said.

"Dude, that sounds rad!" Frank ogled and played it again. Mikey joined in with bass, also making a couple of changes as they played along, and he grinned again. "I love that, thanks Mikes."

"Yeah for sure," he said, giving one of his rare smiles back.

"Do you know when Gerard is gonna get here?" Frank asked offhand, trying hard to suppress the flutter in his chest when he said Gerard's name.

"No idea. He got detention today, and he gets out at three, so he should be here any minute."

"It's almost four now and Bob and Ray are depending on him for a ride. He should have been here half an hour ago."

"Yeah, but he's panicking because you're turning eighteen in a couple of hours," Mikey said, and then bit his lip and gripped the neck of his bass. "Fuck, I shouldn't have said that..."

"He's panicking? Why?"

"Promise you won't tell him I told you?"

"Yeah, on my life. Is he okay?"

"He just has a fat crush on you, and he's worried about what it's going to say on your wrists."

"I... Really?" Frank said, feeling his heart soar. He hadn't known his crush wasn't one-sided. "Wow."

"I know right. At least you're not dating Jamia anymore. When you guys were a thing he would cry about it at least once a week. All those songs he wrote when you were concerned about him? They were about you, my guy."

"For real?" Frank responded, his eyes wide, and his mouth parted in awe. "I had no idea. Like, not a clue."

"He hid it pretty fucking well. Even I was impressed."

"Fuck," Frank commented, and was shocked by another Mikey Smile™.

"I know you like him too, Frank you can tell me these things. I never break anyone's trust."

"You just broke Gerard's," Frank pointed out and shook off his shock with a subtle laugh.

"Have I ever broken anyone else's? Besides, I knew you returned feelings for him so I knew I could tell you. In any other situation, I wouldn't have--you know that."

"I do know that," Frank sighed. "I do, but--"

He was cut off by a car door shutting and the beep of it locking.

"Hey, guys!" Ray called, and him, Gerard, and Bob all walked up the driveway.

"Were you all in detention together?" Mikey said, raising an eyebrow in judgement.

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