fifty ~ can't sleep

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Frank groaned, flipping his body over in the uncomfortable bed once again. He'd given up on trying to sleep around half an hour ago, and now it was around two in the morning and they had to get up at five to get in the bus and drive to their next location. 

So, instead of trying to force himself asleep, Frank thought about the show. He remembered giving Gerard a lap dance standing up, he remembered Gerard's fingers trailing down the front of his shirt as he continued singing and Frank continued playing his guitar, desperately making his fingers reach the frets they needed to in time with Ray, Mikey, and Bob. 

But this didn't make him fall asleep any better. In fact, this issue usually kept him up at night. Frank sighed and got out of bed, stumbling in the dark to the bathroom in his room and flicking on the light, being careful not to wake up a seemingly sleeping Gerard in the twin across the small room from him. 

He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were carrying more baggage than he was on this tour, his mouth seemed stuck in a permanent frown, and his cheeks were starting to cave in unattractively. 

Frank bit his lip and shaking his head, he leant on the counter that the sink was perched on, getting a closer look at his face and head. His hair was oily and unkempt, his were eyes still rimmed with little black speckles where his eyeliner hadn't come off completely, and yeah, the slight acne on his forehead was trying to make a comeback. 

Frank sighed and took a towel off the rack. He placed it on the closed toilet seat and started the shower, desperately hoping it didn't wake Gerard up. Since they were in a hotel, the water got warm pretty quickly, so Frank undressed and stepped inside the curtain, looking out of the mesh strip to glance in the mirror at his distressed face. He looked away quickly and closed his eyes, letting his head fall under the stream as well. The water was loud against his head--so loud in fact, that he didn't hear Gerard walking into the bathroom. 

Frank took his head out from under the showerhead and turned to look out of the mesh strip in the curtain again and was surprised to see Gerard in the bathroom. 

"Hey, Frank," he said softly, turning around and looking Frank in the eye. The latter of the two felt very exposed, and Gerard felt mildly turned on, but the two hid their emotions well. 

"Hey, Gee. What're you doing in here?"

"Couldn't sleep. I thought you were asleep until I heard the shower turn on."

"Yeah, no, I can't either. Why can't you?" Frank asked. 

Gerard hesitated and looked down at his feet, but eventually--several seconds after his mouth opened to speak--words tumbled out. "Because of what happened at the gig tonight."

"Hm?" Frank hummed, feigning ignorance. Gerard looked up and smirked. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," he said in a humorous voice that was slightly lower in pitch than that of his normal one. Frank shivered, feeling a small amount of blood rush to his dick. 

"Yeah. You wanted to talk about it?"

"I mean, I wanted to shower, but we could do that too."

"We?" Frank felt a small flock of butterflies spread their wings in his chest. "You wanted to shower with me?"

"I mean..." Gerard rushed out, but even through the mesh, Frank could see that his cheeks had turned a sweet shade of red. "Yeah, kinda?"

"Then come in," Frank grinned, feeling a newfound sense of confidence as he reflected upon all the stage-kisses, the gestures, the innuendos. He smirked as Gerard let his boxers fall to the floor and opened the curtain for him. 

Gerard's cheeks were still bright red as he stepped in and wrapped his arms around Frank's torso. Frank felt comforted at the odd motion, so he leant back into Gerard's chest, laying his head back so he could gaze up at the black-haired man. 

"Gerard, what are we?"

Gerard paused, his arms tightening around Frank. 

"What do you wanna be?" he whispered, then pressed a kiss to Frank's exposed neck. "Because I want more than fucking stage kisses and grinding on each other during songs."

Frank let out a little huff of a laugh and turned around slowly so he could look at the taller man properly. "I kinda really wanna be your boyfriend," he said unsurely. 

"I kinda really would like that," Gerard smirked. "So we're boyfriends?"

"Yeah," Frank breathed, smiling. "Fuck, come here."

He pressed his lips to Gerard's and the taller responded right away, pressing back and pressing the shorter under the stream of the water. Soon enough, Frank was being flipped around again and Gerard was placing kisses down his neck while his hand trailed down his chest like the gig that night and trailing lower and lower until Frank gasped. 

Gerard's hand was around his dick. He started pumping slowly and it took everything Frank had not to thrust back into Gerard's hand. Instead, he leant heavily against the man's chest, panting slightly from someone else's hand rubbing one out instead of his own. 

He came way too soon, moans muffled with Gerard's other hand and soon, Frank was on his knees and Gerard was a moaning mess above him.

sorry this is super half assed i just needed to write something and i was stuck. y'all wanna gimme some ideas, because i'm fresh out of em. thanks loves. 


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