day 3 ~ patching each other up

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It was bittersweet, the day that I'd tried to skateboard with Gerard. I knew he was fairly new at it, and I didn't know why I took him to the skate park the first day, but I did. Of course, as first times always are, we fucked up, and he fell, effectively scraping his knees and gaining a great purple bruise on his elbows. 

So here we were, unlocking the door to our apartment after skating back. Of course, Gerard was scared of skating back, but we'd finally made it, so it was time to attend to the scrapes on his arms and knees and to comfort him enough to let us at least shower the sweat off before cleaning the wounds. 

I sat in front of Gee in the bathroom and took his hands in mine, turning his arms over to get better access to his elbows. "Let's take a shower and clean off before we do anything to the scrapes okay?"

I turned on the shower. He nodded and we got unchanged without complaint, hissing when he dragged his clothing over the scrapes and bruises. I glanced at him before stepping into the shower, motioning for him to follow me. He did so, stepping cautiously under the showerhead with me. I helped wash his hair, and he helped me. We washed our bodies separately because he insisted that I'd hurt him if I tried. When we were done and all dry we stepped out and got changed into new clothing.  

He put on a pair of boxers and shorts, and I did the same, and we sat down in the bathroom again. I pulled out some disinfectant and held his knees in my lap. "It might sting," I murmured and he nodded. 

"Be gentle, Frankie."

I nodded and kissed him gently, and he smiled. I swabbed some cotton with rubbing alcohol and pressed it softly to his knees. Gee hissed quietly, but he stayed still, watching my face intently. 

"Was that so bad, Gee?"

He shook his head and gave me his arms. "It's okay."

I did the same for his elbows and then spread Neosporin and put large bandaids on the areas. 

"I feel like I'm lucky I didn't break my arms. Landing on your elbows is not the look," he whispered and I nodded. 

"Definitely not," I said finishing up and placing a kiss on his lips. He melted into my lips and smiled, moving with me. I bit his lips gently, and he gasped, letting his arms move around my neck. 

We pulled away to catch our breath and he smiled up at me. "Thanks for helping me. You didn't have to."

"What are boyfriends for?" I asked and he giggled. 

"You have a point," he responded and brought our lips together for another kiss. 

i know this is short and shitty, but I'm going on a road trip to canada with my family in a few days so i'm planning on writing and editing a bunch during the car ride, so you can look forward to that i guess. i promise my writing will get better and less choppy when i have time to write good things rather than rush through them

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