day 11 ~ drawing each other

275 11 1

I sighed as I closed my laptop and rubbed my eyes. I hated being on it for extended periods of time, but c'est la vie, I guess. I looked up at Gerard who was curled up on the sofa, drawing. He glanced up and made eye contact for a moment, turning bright red and looking back down.

"Yo, Gee what're you drawing?"

He hid his face behind his sketchbook, but I could see that his cheeks had gone even redder. He was so adorable, and a good kisser too, but that was o my for stage right? I mean, it felt... well it felt fucking amazing. Butterflies and sparks and all of that romantic shit. I guess that's how kisses are supposed to feel. It's never been that way with Jamia. I shook the thought off and realised that I, too was blushing.

He was drawing me, it was obvious, so in order to torment him, I took out a piece of paper and picked back up my pen, beginning to draw him as well. I was shit at drawing, obviously, but it was funny—it made my heart race—to see his little smile when he thought I wasn't looking or his face, deep in concentration. I finished my drawing rather quickly, but obviously it was absolute shit.

So I decided to torment him. I stood up slowly and quietly, walking over to look out a window of our moving tour bus, and began unbuttoning the buttons of my white shirt. My tie had already been discarded as soon as the show ended, so when I was finished with the shirt I tossed it on my bunk where my tie already was. I heard him inhale sharply and assumed he'd looked up and seen me.

"Gee?" I asked, not turning around. "What was that kiss on stage today. Because..." I trailed off. This wasn't about tormenting him anymore. I really wanted to know. Did he feel the same, or was it just a show like we told all the fans?

"Because what, Frankie?"

I sighed. "Because it felt real to me."

I turned around and saw that he'd put down his sketchbook, and looked at it. It was open to the page he was just working on, and sure enough, I saw my face staring right back at me. Well, not really. I was looking down, like I was reading something, which I was when he'd began drawing.

"I...I feel the same," he said, letting his statement hang in the air. I nodded slowly, and made my way over to his bunk where he had been sitting and crawled in, sitting next to him.

"Do you... um..." he said, and I grinned, pulling him into me and kissing his cheek.

"What's that, Gee?"

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend then?"

I nodded quickly. "I'd love to."

Ope. That was shit. Hahaaa I promise I'll upload a better one tmr

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