day 21 ~ buying flowers

383 16 18

this is super long, but it has frerard, petekey, jamia x lindsey, and joshler, so like...

"Is that all, or can I help you find anything else?" the shopkeeper smiled gently at the boy behind the counter who looked embarrassed, to say the least. The boy nodded and grabbed a few bills from inside his coat pocket and paid for the roses, thanking him and leaving abruptly.

Frank Iero was the opposite of soft. He had tattoos, piercings, and a reputation of taking no bullshit, whether it was bullies at school or unfair treatment to students. He wasn't a teacher's pet, no he could never be with his black and blond hair and red eyeshadow and evil smirks, but he wasn't all that the teachers made him out to be. He had good marks in almost every class, did all of his homework on time, stood up for students around him, and even helped them understand lessons when they didn't get it, but everyone knew that despite his decency, he wasn't a force to be reckoned with.

His father was the leader of the local New Jersey mafia, and even though the boy behind the counter was anything but soft, he still worked in the family flower shop on the weekdays.

The shop was fairly busy, but there wasn't much to tend to, as Frank's father took care of almost everything, so the boy was left to the cash register. Having virtually nothing to do and shitty connection, one was forced into doing homework, and that was exactly what Frank was doing when the boy first showed up at the store.

It was a Friday night, and Frank did not want to be there. He usually got Fridays off--his father wasn't cruel--but today for some reason, he was needed behind the register. His finished homework sat behind the counter in his school bag, and he'd grown tired of listening to his favourite songs on shitty earbuds on his walkman, so the boy was occupying himself with doodling on a piece of paper. He was almost finished too--a new tattoo design, one which he planned on getting as soon as he could--when the boy cleared his throat and grabbed Frank's attention.

"Oh, hi," Frank mumbled when he looked up, blushing when he realised who it was. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there... Gerard?"

Gerard, the boy from their chem class. Frank knew he intimidated the boy, it was blatantly obvious from the way he'd always look nervous when they'd talk or blush and look away when they made eye contact. Frank had taken an interest in him, and soon enough he'd realised that he'd actually started to like him. I mean, who wouldn't?

The way he smiled when he was with his friends was beautiful, all of his twitchy little mannerisms were adorable, and his face was absolutely stunning. Frank had been apprehensive at first. He knew he was gay, but he'd never felt this strongly for someone, especially since the only time they ever talked was when they were paired together for labs during the one class they shared.

Frank shook himself out of his thoughts and forced the blush in his cheeks to back off as he looked up at the boy.

Gerard blushed too, and extended the packets of seeds towards Frank, placing them on the counter and taking out his wallet. "Hey, Frank," he mumbled, his cheeks turning a slight pink as he brushed hair behind his ear, avoiding eye contact.

"This all?" Frank asked, smirking as he caught sight of a few of Gerard's friends outside who were chuckling to themselves and stealing glances into the large windows of the flower shop.

Gerard nodded, squeaking out a "yeah" and then glancing over his shoulder nervously. Frank put the packets into a paper bag and put the money in the cash register, giving Gerard his change and receipt. He held out the paper bag to Gerard who took it, but didn't let go.

"Did they put you up to this, babe?" Frank asked, gesturing to Gerard's friends outside, hoping that the nickname would reveal something about the boy standing nervously in front of him. It did. His cheeks flamed red, and he bit his lip, letting his hair fall over his face, and he clutched the paper bag, shifting nervously on his feet.

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