part fifty-six ~ saw you in a dream

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It'd been a particularly long time since I'd seen her. Usually, it took us around a few hours to cave and admit to each other that we'd missed each other, but it'd been around a day until she'd texted me that she missed me.

It was alright, though. Last time I'd seen her, it was right after I'd driven home late at night and crashed in my bed, sleeping like a rock through the night and waking up to her texting me. It'd been a few days since then, and now all of our final exams were over and it was summer break until the first semester of next year started. We'll both be seniors in grad school, but for right now I was just glad the year was over and Gee and I could spend as much time together as we wanted.

I didn't bother knocking on the door as I walked into the flat that she and Mikey shared. He looked up at me from where he was seated in a comfy chair and gave me a smile.

"Ray's still in your guys's flat?"

I nodded. "Where's--"

"Gee's in her room. I think she's sleeping though, so..." he trailed off and then stood up and stretched. "Don't fuck her too hard."

I shook my head and chuckled. "I wasn't planning on fucking her at all. But I'm sure you're planning to fuck Ray, so I won't hold you up," I replied with a wink.

He shrugged. "You're right," he said, sighed, hesitated, and then continued. "I love you, man."

I smiled. "I love you too, Mikes."

He pulled me into a hug, whispered for me to treat his sister right like he always did, and then he was out the door and down the stairs; probably too impatient to wait for the lift. I smirked to myself and walked down the hallway to Gee's room. She wasn't really asleep, just sprawled out on her bed.

She had on one of my old band shirts and since it was big for me, it was enormous on her thin frame. It was lifted up a little, and I could see straps of a bikini poking out from where the shirt was loose on her shoulder. She had one arm laid next to her head, and one hand resting on her exposed stomach. I knocked gently on the door and she turned her head and smiled.

"Hey," she purred and I smiled softly back.


"Close the door, will ya? The cool air's gonna get out," she mumbled, and I nodded, closing the door behind me. I kicked my shoes off and she lifted her arms up, so I laid down on top of her on the bed, nestling my face into her shoulder and placing a kiss to her soft, warm neck.

"You look beautiful," I whispered, and she grinned.

"You always say that."

"It's always true," I responded gently and felt one of her hands card through my hair. She didn't say anything back. She knew if she tried to deny it, I'd shut her down. She was gorgeous, and I didn't care whether she believed me or not.

"C'mere and kiss me," she said instead, and I lifted my head up and obliged, letting our lips meet eagerly and move together, this time a little more desperately than usual. Her back arched to make our stomachs meet when I began sucking on the spot below her jaw, and when she let out a breathy sigh, I moved down her neck and onto her collarbones, her chest, leaving kisses and hickeys wherever I wanted. It wasn't like I wasn't already covered in them too.

When she let out a little moan, I let my teeth pull away one triangle of her bikini on her small breasts and took one into my mouth. Her breathing became ragged and uneven, and her hand tightened in my hair as I did what I knew how to do best. I slipped a thigh in between hers to find that she was getting hard, almost as hard as I was, so I pressed my thigh into her, expecting her to press warmly back into me, but she just inhaled sharply and pulled away.

"Frankie, I... not right now," she sighed ruefully, so I pulled her bikini back on and placed a kiss on her stomach.

"I'm sorry, baby," I murmured and my fingers came to tug at the ends of her shirt and pull it back down over her breasts. "What'd I do wrong? So I can fix it next time, I mean."

"Nothing, you're perfect," she breathed and then propped herself up on her elbows so she could lean in a kiss me. "I'm just not in the mood right now."

"Alright," I said with a little smile. I wasn't upset. We had the whole summer. "Whatever you want."

"Do you want me to finish you off, or..."

"No, I'm okay," I replied and pressed my lips to her forehead. "Don't worry about me. I'll get over it."

"You're gonna get blue-balls," she pointed out.

"So are you, miss," I said with my brow raised and she smiled sombrely. "Was it dysphoria, baby?"

"Yeah. She's a fucking bitch. I'm sorry I--"

"Shh," I whispered, pressing my finger to her lips. "Don't apologise. You're real, you're beautiful, and you're strong, and you're the love of my life. I don't care if I don't get off today. You're more important than that."

"Shut up, cheeseball," she said, but her smile and little giggle was worth it, so I wrapped my arms around her and she pulled me on top of her again so I could put my head in the crook of her neck. I pressed another kiss to her neck, smiled when she hummed in approval, and then looked up at her. "You wanna watch a movie?"

"Fuck yeah."

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