sixty-eight ~ history homework

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Mikey shoved Frank's shoulder with his own. "You wanna sleepover tonight?"

"For sure. I got some homework that I might bring over though, just warning you," Frank said, yawning as he opened his locker to get the things he needed for the day. 

"Actually, I was wondering if we could work on our history project."

"That was also what I had in mind," Frank said with a chuckle and then rolled his eyes when the bell rang. "I'll see you in history last period."

"Yeah, if we even make it."

"It's Friday, we'll make it," Frank said, walking Mikey to his first class. 

"Hey, by the way," Mikey said, pausing outside of the door to his class, "my brother's gonna be here tonight again. I know it's always awkward, so just giving you a heads up."

"It's not that bad, don't even worry about it," Frank said, shrugging, his mind racing. "See ya 'round."

"See ya."

The day droned on, but to Frank's surprise, it was shorter than he'd anticipated. The whole day was spent worrying about Mikey's older brother, Gerard. Would he come and talk with them like he did sometimes, would he avoid them at all costs, or would he be hovering? Frank's heart raced at each option, and he found himself completely distracted by it in all of his classes. He took notes diligently, but he didn't really understand what he was writing down. He hovered in and out of the moment, taking time to phase in and out of reality.

He made plans about a time to get to Mikey's house in their shared last class, and then drove himself home, finding that he was more attentive behind the wheel than he had been the whole entire day. Not exactly a bad thing, he thought, but a surprising one. 

He gathered his history textbook, computer, and then packed an overnight bag, grabbed a snack, and then he was out the door again. When he got to Mikey's house he parked on the shoulder of the road instead of in the driveway since there was only one car there, and Frank knew the brothers' mum hadn't pulled in yet. 

When he rang the bell to the house, Gerard was the one who answered the door. His dark hair fell just to his chin and it looked freshly washed--Frank was surprised at this, but more so that he wasn't wearing a beanie for once. 

"H-hey," Frank greeted after a moment of silence the two shared, and Gerard shook himself out of a phase. 

"Come in, Frank," he said warmly, his tone still shy as if only meeting him for the first time even though Frank had been friends with Mikey for over a decade now.  

"Your hair looks so nice down," Frank blurted out and felt his cheeks quickly begin to burn. He watched as Gerard's cheeks turned red too. 

"Thanks," the older of the two responded. "You're pretty much alone in thinking that."

"I doubt it," Frank said and saw Mikey appear at the top of the stairs. 

"YOOO FRANK!" he yelled and ran down them far too quickly for it to be normal. "You ready to do history really quickly so we can play video games later?"

"Yeah. Let's just get it out of the way," Frank sighed. 

"Oh is it that big third quarter project for VanHues?" Gerard groaned.

"Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous isn't it?" Frank agreed, his tone matching Gerard's. "We've been doing it for a solid month, I'm so sick of it."

"Dude, if it wasn't for Frank, I'd be losing my mind," Mikey droned, and Gerard nodded. 

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